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Parent Involvement

is an essential element of all Early Head Start and Head Start services. The involvement of parents in every aspect of our services is what makes us different from other early learning programs. Parents are involved in all aspects of their child’s education: from developing educational goals and plans for their children, to planning activities for their centers (Center Committee), to working with management on our Leadership Council (Policy Council) planning organizational tasks and making decisions. These working relationships individualize our program services to enrolled children and families, making our services vital and relevant to those whom we serve.

Education and Disabilities Services

Parents and teachers work together to ensure that our classrooms are safe, nurturing, enriched, and secure environments where engaging, enjoyable, and challenging learning experiences are available for children and individualized to their developmental levels. Each child and their family are treated as individuals in a community that values, respects, and responds to diversity. Together, staff and parents plan learning experiences that support the continuum of children’s growth and development, which includes physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. We balance the child’s day with opportunities for exploration, self-directed, and directed learning experiences. Our goal is for each child to reach their full potential.  We help them gain the skills, knowledge and confidence necessary to succeed now, in public school, and later in life.

Family Services

Working as coaches, we support parents as they identify their strengths, needs, and interests.  We help them develop their goals all within the context of their family and culture. We offer strategies and resources as they find their own solutions, reach their goals, and nurture the development of their children.  In our work with families, we bring the tools of community outreach, referrals and follow-up, family assessments, goal development, emergency assistance and/or crisis intervention (if needed), educational opportunities, and learning resources.

Health Services

Our commitment to wellness embraces an all-inclusive vision of health for children and families. The foundation of that vision is for all families to have their own medical and dental home.  We emphasize the importance of preventative care and early identification of health problems.  Every infant, toddler, and preschooler is involved in a comprehensive health program which includes: health screenings and exams, immunizations, medical, dental, mental health, and nutritional services.  If a health concern emerges, parents, health care professionals and employees work together to secure a solution. Our goal for each family is to have a working relationship with their medical and dental homes that results in continuous care that meets their family’s health needs.

Please explore the links at the right to learn more about our services.