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LiveScience May 15 at Edmonds College


Join your community college science team to explore great opportunities in science. LiveScience is a day of open labs, explosive demos, and hands-on activities to explore all things science. It’s geared for high school teachers and their students, but is open to the entire community.

See the college’s robotics, materials science, sustainability, allied health, and Learn and serve Environmental Anthropology Field school (LEAF) programs in action.

Events will include:

Robotics demonstrations in Seaview Gym throughout the day.

Hands-on exhibits of Materials Science, 1-3 p.m. in Monroe Hall. Students also have a prototype of a small windmill they are building — the college's first foray into renewable energy.

A 30 minute “Science is Cool” performance with liquid nitrogen from 9:45-10:15 a.m. in Triton Union 202.


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LiveScience at Edmonds College