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The Triton Review staff receives honors at statewide journalism awards

In May, the Washington Community College Journalism Association recognized excellence at community college student newspapers

Edmonds College's The Triton Review brought home several awards, including the staff awards for best headline writing and second place in the publications sweeps.

Individual honors went to:

  • Peter Sessum, first place, general news writing
  • Brett Miller, first place, sports news reporting
  • Andrea Castillo, first place, sports feature reporting
  • Timm Lovitt, first place, stand-alone photo
  • Devin Badoo, first place, editorial cartoons/illustrations
  • Valerie Topacio, third place, general news writing
  • Kyle Berns, third place, columns and commentaries

The Triton Review is a student-run newspaper that provides the opportunity for students to read about a broad range of on-and off-campus news and events. Those who wish to become involved as reporters are welcome. Writers are always needed.

The Review is published twice-monthly beginning the third week of each quarter and is distributed to several locations throughout the campus.

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