Submit artwork and writing to Between the Lines by Jan. 31
Edmonds College’s literary/arts journal, Between the Lines, publishes quality short fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, and visual artwork from writers and artists at the college and in the local community. Submit your work to the 2010 edition of Between the Lines by Jan. 31.
Send us your work!
BTL publishes quality short fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and visual art from students, staff, and faculty at Edmonds College as well as the surrounding community. All rights revert to the artists after publication. Previously published submissions and simultaneous submissions are OK if indicated in your email.
General guidelines
Submit work via email to Save your file as “Your Name_Title of Piece.” Do not include any identifying information other than the title within the work itself. In the body of your email, include your full name, mailing address, phone number, genre and titles of all work submitted, and an autobiographical note of approximately 50 words for use in publication if your work is accepted. Please state in your bio note if you are a student at Edmonds CC.
For written work
Submit original manuscripts of up to 1,200 as email attachments (.rtf, .doc, or .docx file format) to You may submit up to three poems, stories, or essays.
For visual art
Submit color digital images via email attachment to (under 1MB please). You may submit up three entries. If your work is selected for publication, we will request high resolution files.