College's top scholars are on the path to film and law school
Edmonds College students Boris Davidovsky, 28, of Woodinville, and Danielle Latimer, 19, of Mukilteo, will be recognized for their scholarship, leadership, and community service at a ceremony noon, Thursday, March 25 at South Puget Sound Community College, Olympia.
Davidovsky and Latimer are among 63 of the state’s top scholars, who will receive recognition as members of the All-Washington Academic Team. Each two-year college in the state may nominate two students for the honor, which comes with a $500 scholarship from the Northwest Education Loan Association. In addition, many of the state’s public and private four-year colleges and universities offer additional scholarships for academic team members who transfer to their schools.
Before coming to Edmonds CC, Davidovsky worked at an alcohol and drug rehabilitation clinic. Clients often needed help with legal questions and paperwork and Davidovsky’s desire to help them led him to pursue a college education. He earned a two-year paralegal degree at Edmonds CC and was encouraged to work toward law school. He’ll complete his transfer degree and then go on for a bachelor’s in political science at the University of Washington. Meanwhile, he continues to volunteer at the clinic.
Latimer came to Edmonds College after graduating from Kamiak High School. To pay for her college education, she works as a lifeguard and water fitness instructor at the Mukilteo YMCA. She’s also earned scholarships from the Edmonds College Foundation, including its Edmonds CC Community Read scholarship last year. Attending Edmonds College helped Latimer find her calling. She plans become a film and television producer and would like to earn a master’s degree in film after she completes her bachelor’s degree.
The top ranked member of the All-Washington Academic Team will be named the state’s New Century Scholar and receive additional honors and scholarships as part of the All-USA Academic Team for Community, Technical and Junior Colleges. Phi Theta Kappa, USA Today, and the American Association of Community Colleges sponsor this annual recognition for top community college scholars.