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LEAF students help restore Gold Park, design new garden

The Hazel Miller Foundation recently awarded $2,500 to the Lynnwood Parks and Recreation Foundation for restoration improvements at Gold Park, which was done by Edmonds CC students.

The Hazel Miller Foundation grant provides funding for restoration projects that include removal of invasive plants, trail building, and installation of an “ethnobotanical garden.” The garden, designed by the Edmonds College Learn and Serve Environmental Anthropology Field (LEAF) School, will showcase native Northwest plants and their uses in past cultures.

This 6.44-acre park in south Lynnwood is largely forested and includes nature trails, grassy clearings and a seasonal stream. The park has become overgrown with invasive plant species which obscure the trails and visibility within the park. Restoration efforts by the LEAF School students will help reestablish the natural environment of the park by removing invasive ivy, blackberries, lamium, and holly.

The ethnobotanical garden will reintroduce a variety of native plants including ferns, salal, trillium, bleeding heart, and huckleberries. The students will also design and install interpretive signage which will help educate park visitors of the variety and benefits of the native plants. Gold Park is located at 6421 200th Street SW in Lynnwood.

This restoration project is also supported by the City of Lynnwood, Edmonds College, State Farm Youth Service America, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The Hazel Miller Foundation is dedicated to serving the citizens of Edmonds and South Snohomish County through programs and projects that serve the public's benefit. The Lynnwood Parks and  Recreation Foundation supports Lynnwood’s parks, recreation and cultural arts programs, and helps to provide funding for the conservation, acquisition and development of new parks.

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Learn and Serve Environmental Anthropology Field (LEAF) School