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Profiles in Service exhibit featuring veterans opens Nov. 10

An exhibit of photos of student-veterans, and college employees who are veterans will be displayed in Snohomish Hall. The exhibit features photos taken by student photographers and personal essays written by the veterans. A dedication for the exhibit will be 2 p.m., Wed., Nov. 10 on the second floor of Snohomish Hall.

Edmonds College has an active student club for veterans — Club Vet. The club has been working to bring attention to the needs of a growing number of student-veterans at the college and create a welcoming environment for veterans on campus. Last year they dedicated a veterans monument on campus, From Boots to Books.

Those featured in the exhibit are: Yvonne Ascolis, Kyle Burns, Alex Cirasunda, Soo Yeon Eo, Michael Grigsby, Jessica Holloway, Aurelius Kadzius, Doo Hoon Kim, Earl Liles, Troy Montgomery, Thomas Murphy, Gyutae Oh, Parnia Parvini, and Scott James Sutherland.

The photos were taken by students: Ariel Alaro, Aron Chaudiere, Logan Smith, Lauren Morrow, and Michael Noller.

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Veterans at Edmonds College