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Board of Trustees to meet June 9, consider 2011-12 budget

Agenda: Estimated Time (p.m.)

4:30 Call to Order – Emily Yim

4:32 Introduction of Guests – Emily Yim

4:35 Public Comments – Emily Yim

Individuals may sign in for public comment limited to three minutes each

4:45 Approval of May 12, 2011 Meeting Minutes – Emily Yim

Next meeting: Summer Study Session, August 18-19, 2011, Edmonds Conference Center

4:50 New Business – Action

Recognition of Retiree: Misha Cain (RN 11-6-1) – Emily Yim

5:00 New Business – First Consideration

Consideration of Professional Leave – Marty Cavalluzzi

Consideration of 2011-12 College Operating Budget – Kevin McKay

5:15 Old Business – Action

Approval of New Student Fee (RN 11-6-2) – Thao “Tee” Nguyen and Wayne Anthony

Approval of 2011-12 Associated Students’ Fees (RN 11-6-3) – Tee Nguyen and Wayne Anthony

Approval of 2011-12 Associated Students’ Budget (RN 11-6-4) – Tee Nguyen and Wayne Anthony

Approval of Amendments to Student Constitution (RN 11-6-5) – Ean Olsen, Mor Lee and Wayne


Approval of 2011-12 International Contract Programs (RN 11-6-6) – Kevin McKay

Approval of 2011-12 College Fee Schedule (RN 11-6-7) – Kevin McKay

5:35 Monitoring Reports

Governance Institute for Student Success Update – Jim Mulik and Jean Hernandez

Economic Impact Study Presentation – Jean Hernandez

6:00 Board Updates (Two minutes each)

Faculty Representative – Margaret West

Classified Representative – Patti Pollardo

Student Representative – Ean Olsen

6:10 President’s Report – Jean Hernandez

6:20 Board Discussion – Emily Yim

6:30 Executive Session – Emily Yim

7:05 Adjournment

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Edmonds College Board of Trustees