Be prepared for fall quarter 2017 construction, impacts to parking
Ongoing construction to provide Edmonds Community College students with more parking will have an impact on students returning to school this fall, beginning Sept. 18.
During the summer, the college began working on parking improvements near the 200th Street S.W. entrance. Two buildings were demolished to make room for more than 50 additional parking spots in a heavily used student lot near Brier Hall.
Construction will continue into fall quarter, and possibly into late October.
Additional free parking for students will be available throughout construction at Lynnwood Bowl and Skate, 6210 200th St. S.W. About 100 spaces will be available to Edmonds CC students weekdays between 7:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Free shuttle service will be provided from 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. and run every 15 minutes. It will pick up and drop off on campus in front of Snohomish Hall.
Handicap parking east of Brier Hall will remain available.
Parking tips for students:
- If you drive to campus, consider taking the bus or carpooling. Here’s the link for Community Transit’s service to Edmonds CC:
- Allow extra time to find a space, especially for morning classes.
- Park at alternate locations: North campus parking located near the intersection of 68th Avenue W. and 196th Street S.W.; Lynnwood Ice Center, 19803 68th Ave. W.
- Students may park in any lot except those marked for staff (lots A and P) or visitors and carpool spaces (in lot L). Lot K will be open to students.
- Be patient. There will be parking attendants to help guide traffic during the first week of classes.
Find out more about parking.
Laura Daniali