ADVISORY: Edmonds CC campus closed to the public March 18 to April 3; spring quarter start delayed one week
In an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our greater community, Edmonds Community College will be closed to the public March 18 to April 3. The campus will be open to employees only, and the college will serve students and the community remotely beginning Wednesday, March 18 through Friday, April 3.
During remote operations, all services will be conducted online or by appointment. The college will reopen for in person services on Monday, April 6, pending further notice.
The start of spring quarter will be delayed one week. Spring quarter will start Monday, April 13. In accordance with Gov. Jay Inslee’s restriction of in-person classes from now through April 24, all classes will be 100% online April 13 through April 24. There will be no on-campus classes during this timeframe.
For questions and concerns, email For more information and updates, go to
Marisa Pierce