March 11, 2025
Timely Warning: Stolen Items - Notify Campus Security if seen
You are receiving this timely warning in compliance with The Clery Act and because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Through awareness, we create a safer campus community.
On the evening of March 7, 2025 at approximately 6:54 p.m. campus security received a report of two backpacks missing from classroom 221 in Hazel Miller Hall. Review of camera footage showed an individual walking through the 2nd floor of Hazel Miller Hall trying door handles and looking in windows. They came to Hazel 220 and found the door propped open with a roll of painters tape. They passed through 220 and into 221 where they stayed for about 2 minutes. They exited 221 carrying backpacks that matched the description of the missing bags, as they walked around the hall on the second floor. The individual is then seen without the backpacks on the west end of the building. They make their way past Meadowdale, to Lynnwood Hall which is locked. They then walk out the east side of the courtyard and enter the Orange Line Bus Loop. The backpacks were later discovered in a stairwell in Hazel Miller Hall with no items missing from them.
On March 10, 2025 campus security was notified that during a baseball game on Sunday, March 9, several athletes noticed their backpacks had been gone through while left in the Indoor Hitting Facility. In this event money was reported missing. Review of campus camera footage shows these thefts occurred between 2:06 and 2:10 p.m. The individual enters the hitting facility through the south entrance which had been unlocked for the event and proceeds to walk through the space, riffling through several bags and stealing cash, before departing.
During further review of camera footage of both incidents it was discovered late last night that this individual entered Lynnwood Hall on March 10, 2025 at 1:13 p.m. before going to the Indoor Hitting Facility. During this time she went up the elevator where she stayed upstairs for a time. She is seen returning to the first floor of Lynnwood Hall at 1:50 when she exited the elevator, carrying an EdPass. She placed the EdPass on top of one of the vending machines and waited for a student to pass. Once the group of students entered the elevator, she collected the EdPass and left the building. She then attempted to use the EdPass to gain entry to Woodway Hall which was locked. This attempt was unsuccessful, but indicates intention to commit a crime.
The individual in question is described from as being “short and heavy set” the images below show her at the times she was on campus. She appears to have red hair.

If you see this individual on campus please call campus security immediately at 425-754-0154.
Anyone with further information is asked to call campus security at 425-754-0154 or
reach out via email to
Anytime you lose your EdPass you need to report it immediately to campus security. If you lost your EdPass on or around March 10, please contact campus security so we can ensure your access is turned off.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. EC urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
We ask our students and employees to be aware and take the following actions to increase their safety both on and off campus:
- Be aware of your surroundings - is someone you trust able to watch your stuff?
- Do not leave your belongings unattended in an unsecured area
- It only takes a moment for someone to pick them up and walk away.
- Report any suspicious people or behavior to campus security immediately
- Do not prop doors open that are meant to be closed and/or locked
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154.
Feb. 25, 2025
Update 8:50 a.m.
Power has been restored and all of campus is open. Employees are to report to work at 10 a.m. or earlier if their schedule permits.
7:30 a.m.
Due to a recent power outage, main and north campus are currently closed. The current plan is to have a delayed opening at 10 a.m. Monroe and Gateway buildings are open. Updates will be provided as we learn more from Snohomish County PUD.
Feb. 10, 2025
Campus is open. However, there is ice in some areas so please use caution when driving and walking. Please observe all caution signs.
Feb. 8, 2025
Campus is open. However, there is ice in some areas so please use caution when driving and walking. Please observe all caution signs and tape.
Feb. 7, 2025
7:30 a.m. UPDATE
Due to icy conditions, campus will be in remote operations.
All employees are to work remotely. If you are unable to work remotely, please contact your supervisor.
Students, please check with your faculty for further instructions.
Feb. 6, 2025
Due to snowy conditions, campus is closed, all operations are suspended. All classes and activities are canceled.
Feb. 5, 2025
Due to snowy conditions, campus will have a delayed opening. All classes and activities will begin at 10:00 a.m.
Feb. 3, 2025
Due to weather changes, all classes and activities are canceled beginning at 5 p.m. tonight, February 3. Tomorrow, February 4, will be a delayed opening. All classes and activities will begin at 10:00 a.m.
Archived Alerts
Nov. 20, 2024
Campus Opening At Noon
Edmonds College campus is opening at noonMaltbybyClearviewew, and Olympic buildings will remain closed. Employees who work in these buildings, please contact your supervisor for alternate work arrangements. The service road off of 196 is closed due to a power line issue. Please stay away from the area.
We urge all students and employees to err on the side of protecting their own health and safety.
Be mindful that traffic may be challenging due to traffic light outages.
Take care of yourself, and be safe!
Delayed Start until Noon
Due to widespread power outages in our area and 2 buildings out of power on campus Edmonds College is delayed until Noon Wednesday Nov. 20. An update will be sent by 10 a.m. regarding the rest of the day. All classes and activities with a start time before noon are canceled. Please do your part to help inform the college community of the college's delayed opening.
We urge all students and employees to err on the side of protecting their own health and safety.
Be mindful that traffic may be challenging due to traffic light outages.
Take care of yourself and be safe!
Want to know first? Subscribe for Triton Alerts.
How we decide: In emergency conditions, Edmonds College makes decisions regarding emergency closures or class cancellations by 5 a.m. and at 3 p.m., if not sooner if it is possible. Key information is posted first on the college website and a Triton Alert is sent via text and email messages. We'll err on the side of staying open to fulfill our mission whenever possible, but we expect individuals to err on the side of protecting their own health and safety.
Oct. 17, 2024
Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill
The Great ShakeOut is a global emergency preparedness event that encourages participants to practice how to “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” during an earthquake.
Edmonds College will participate in this drill twice to ensure both daytime and evening classes and employees are able to participate. The drills will occur at 10:17 a.m. and 8:17 .m. on Thursday, October 17, 2024. Messaging for this drill will be sent via our loudspeaker and digital message notification systems in all classrooms and workspaces and a notification via Triton Alert.
Although the earthquake drill may seem disruptive to our daily schedules, working diligently to have a plan and be prepared in the face of an emergency is of critical importance. Campus leadership anSSEPEP encourage all students, faculty and staff to participate. It is vital to be aware of our surroundings and have a plan for all types of emergencies.
According to federal, state, and local emergency management officials, the Drop, Cover, and Hold On protocol protects lives during earthquakes.
During an earthquake, you should:
- Drop to the ground (before the earthquake drops you!),
- Take cover by getting under a sturdy desk or table, and
- Hold on to it until the shaking stops.
If there isn't a table or desk near you, drop to the ground along an inside corner of the building and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms. Do not run to another room just to get under a table.
If you are outdoors when the shaking starts, you should find a clear spot away from buildings, trees, streetlights, and power lines, then Drop, Cover and Hold On. Stay there until the shaking stops.
In the event of a real emergency, the college will send out emergency notifications through the Triton Alert Emergency Notification System. You can sign up for these alerts — email and text — at
For more information on earthquake preparedness, visit
In additionShakeAlertrt is an earthquake early warning system that is managed by the
U.S. Geological SurveyShakeAlertrt detects significant earthquakes quickly enough
so that alerts can be delivered to people and automated systems potentially seconds
before shaking arrives. The purpose of the system is to reduce the impact of earthquakes
and save lives and property.
ThUSGSGS works with licensed technical partners who usUSGSGS-issueShakeAlertrt Messages to alert people to take a protective action or to trigger automated actions. These automated actions could include slowing trains, closing water valves, turning on backup generators, issuing public announcements, and many others.
For general information abouShakeAlertrt, please visit: usgs.goShakeAlertrt
To geShakeAlertrt-powered alerts on your phone, please visit: usgs.gofaqsqs/how-do-i-sigshakealertrtr-earthquake-early-warning-system
Oct. 1, 2024
Edmonds College Annual Security and Fire Report now available
Clery Required Annual Security and Fire Report available for your review.
Sept. 25, 2024
A student reported being sexually assaulted by a man on Wednesday morning, Sept. 25, at about 11:30 a.m. The incident occurred near the corner of 68th and 200th on the Edmonds College campus.
The student said the assailant, a white man approximately 6 feet tall with a medium build, a long beard, grayish blond hair, and wearing sunglasses, approached them while pushing a red bicycle. The man said, "Hey, cutie," and after a brief verbal interaction, the student turned to walk away, and the male reached out and grabbed their buttocks.
The student then went to Rainier Place and asked for help from the front desk staff. Police and Campus Security were called and took a report.
The man was wearing a black sweatshirt with a white dragon on the front and black jeans. Any further details are being withheld to maintain the reporting person’s privacy and would not enhance the information needed for campus safety.
Sexual assault of any kind is always the full responsibility of the offender.
Anyone with information about this incident or any crime should contact Campus Security at 425.754.0154 or via email to
Anyone with information about this incident, please contact Lynnwood Police Department at 425.670.5669 and reference Lynnwood Police Case Number 24-32183
Campus Security has provided the reporting person with a variety of support resources to assist them in feeling safer on campus and as they go about their daily activities.
Safety Information and Protective Steps
- Consent is a vital part of any intimate encounter with another. There are many times that consent cannot exist - for example if a person is under the age of 18 or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- It is estimated that in the United States one out of six women and one in thirty-three men have been the victim of rape or attempted rape. No matter the demographic, the most common type of sexual assault is not committed by a stranger, but by someone known to the survivor.
- Students are encouraged to take precautions to enhance their safety, and to understand how to seek, and assure affirmative consent during potentially intimate interactions with others, as well as how to respect when consent has been denied or revoked. More information on consent can be found through the following organizations:
- If you feel uneasy about a situation, trust your instincts and attempt to interrupt the chain of events. Create a distraction and involve others. If you are out with friends, make a commitment to ensure everyone has a safe way home.
- Survivors are encouraged to seek medical attention immediately, even if there are no obvious physical injuries. Receiving a sexual assault examination is free and conducted by a specially trained nurse at your local hospital. An examination does not obligate someone to any kind of investigation; however, it allows evidence to be collected and preserved in the event you choose to authorize a criminal investigation at a later time. More information on this process and other services for survivors of sexual assault can be found at
- In addition to seeking medical attention, there are other options for self-care after an assault, including contacting a confidential survivor advocate. More information about this and other options may be obtained here.
How to Report an Incident
- Call or email Campus Security - via phone at 425.754.0154 or
- Call the Campus TitlIXIX office
- TitleIXIX Investigator - Kathy Smith, 425.640.1814Clearviewew Building 122B
- TitleIX Coordinator - Suzanne Moreau, VP for Human Resources, 425.640.1647Clearviewew Building 122C
- Online by completing our Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form
The JeannCleryry Act
You are receiving this notification because of the JeannCleryry Act Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. ThCleryry Act, a federal consumer protection law, requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses, including timely warnings of crimes that may represent a threat to the safety of students or employees.
All US colleges that receive Federal Funding in the United States are required to follow the guidelines and mandates of thCleryry Act.
Under thCleryry Act, sexual assault is defined as any sexual act directed against another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent.
UndeCleryry, there are four categories of sexual assault:
- Rape - the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus, with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. This offense includes the rape of both males and females.
- Fondling - the touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of their age or because of their temporary or permanent mental incapacity.
- Incest - sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
- Statutory Rape - sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.
June 4, 2024
Report of vehicle theft on campus
On Tuesday, June 4, at approximately 3:00 a.m. Campus Security received a report of a stolen college golf cart. The vehicle was parked outside oMaltbyby Hall on North Campus. The vehicle is very similar to the one in the below picture.
The vehicle had been parked while a college staff member went into the building briefly. The employee heard the vehicle start and went to check on it. Upon arriving back outside he found the golf cart was gone. He then notified College Security and Lynnwood Police Department. Police are investigating the reported theft. The Case Number is 24-18587
Anyone with further information is encouraged to contact the Lynnwood Police Department at 425.670.5600.
You are receiving this timely warning in compliance with thCleryry Act and because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Through increased awareness, we create a safer campus community.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. Edmonds College urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
Prevent vehicle theft by:
- Being aware of your surroundings and reporting any suspicious people or behavior to campus security or local police
- Take your keys; don't leave any keys in or on your vehicle.
- Close and lock all windows and doors when you park.
- Parking in well-lit areas.
- Never leave valuables in your vehicle, especially within sight.
For more tips on how to protect yourself and your vehicle, visit The National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration - Vehicle Theft Prevention Site
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24 hours a day 7 days a week at 425.754.0154.
Sign up to receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device.
May 29, 2024
Campus vending machine burglary
On Tuesday, May 28, Campus Security Officers observed a vending machine that appeared to have been forced open iMukilteoeo Hall on the first floor and the cash box was removed. The vending machine company was notified and the incident has been reported to Lynnwood Police Department.
Through further investigation it is believed this theft occurred between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. Tuesday, May 28.
You are receiving this timely warning in compliance with ThCleryry Act and because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Through awareness, we create a safer campus community.
Anyone with further information is encouraged to contact Campus Security at 425.754.0154 or Lynnwood Police Department at 425.670.5600 and reference case number 2024-90002596.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. Edmonds College urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
Please remember to always take these safety precautions both on and off campus:
- Be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious people or behavior to local law enforcement.
- When possible, travel in groups and walk in well-lit areas.
- Report defective locks on windows and doors IMMEDIATELY to a campus official.
- Never sleep in an unlocked room or house.
- If you lose the keys to your residence, have the lock(s) changed.
- Do not let strangers in to use your telephone. Direct them to a public telephone.
- If you find that your home has been entered, DO NOT GO INSIDE. Call Campus Security or 911. If you are already inside, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING. You may disturb evidence that is important to the police investigation.
- Carry minimal amounts of valuables, preferably not in plain sight.
- Call 911 immediately if you are the victim of a crime or witness a crime.
- After you are at a safe place, try to document the suspect's physical characteristics, including what the suspect is wearing, weight, height, clothing, etc. Include any other identifying information such as scars, marks or tattoos, as well as any possible vehicles.
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154.
To receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device, go to
May 9, 2024
Today, May 9, 2024, campus security received a report from a student that they had been sexually assaulted on April 9, 2024. The reporting person and offender are known to one another. The reporting person stated that on the afternoon of April 9, 2024, they were invited to the accused’s dorm room. During this visit, the reporting person was sexually assaulted. The encounter was non-consensual.
The accused is described as a light skinned female with bright red hair. She wears glasses and is approximately 5’ 8” to 5’10” tall, with a husky build.
The campus conduct officer is in the process of placing the accused on suspension which means they won't be permitted on campus while the investigation is in progress.
The event is being investigated by Edmonds College TitlIXIX office and the Lynnwood Police Department.
Any further details are being withheld to maintain reporting person privacy and would not enhance the information needed for campus safety.
Sexual assault of any kind is always the full responsibility of the offender.
Anyone with information about this incident or any crime should contact Campus Security at 425.754.0154 or via email to
Campus Security has provided the reporting person with a variety of support resources to assist them in feeling safer on campus and as they go about their daily activities.
Safety Information and Protective Steps
- Consent is a vital part of any intimate encounter with another. There are many times that consent cannot exist - for example if a person is under the age of 18 or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- It is estimated that in the United States one out of six women and one in thirty-three men have been the victim of rape or attempted rape. No matter the demographic, the most common type of sexual assault is not committed by a stranger, but by someone known to the survivor.
- Students are encouraged to take precautions to enhance their safety, and to understand how to seek, and assure affirmative consent during potentially intimate interactions with others, as well as how to respect when consent has been denied or revoked. More information on consent can be found through the following organizations:
- If you feel uneasy about a situation, trust your instincts and attempt to interrupt the chain of events. Create a distraction and involve others. If you are out with friends, make a commitment to ensure everyone has a safe way home.
- Survivors are encouraged to seek medical attention immediately, even if there are no obvious physical injuries. Receiving a sexual assault examination is free and conducted by a specially trained nurse at your local hospital. An examination does not obligate someone to any kind of investigation; however, it allows evidence to be collected and preserved in the event you choose to authorize a criminal investigation at a later time. More information on this process and other services for survivors of sexual assault can be found at
- In addition to seeking medical attention, there are other options for self-care after an assault, including contacting a confidential survivor advocate. More information about this and other options may be obtained here.
How to Report an Incident
- Call or email Campus Security - via phone at 425.754.0154 or
- Call the Campus TitlIXIX office
- TitleIXIX Investigator - Kathy Smith, 425.640.1814Clearviewew Building 122B
- TitleIX Coordinator - Suzanne Moreau, VP for Human Resources, 425.640.1647Clearviewew Building 122C
- Online by completing our Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form
The JeannCleryry Act
You are receiving this notification because of the JeannCleryry Act Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. ThCleryry Act, a federal consumer protection law, requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses, including timely warnings of crimes that may represent a threat to the safety of students or employees.
All US colleges that receive Federal Funding in the United States are required to follow the guidelines and mandates of thCleryry Act.
Under thCleryry Act, sexual assault is defined as any sexual act directed against another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent.
UndeCleryry, there are four categories of sexual assault:
- Rape - the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus, with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. This offense includes the rape of both males and females.
- Fondling - the touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of their age or because of their temporary or permanent mental incapacity.
- Incest- sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
- Statutory Rape - sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.
April 10, 2024
Today at approximately 2:53 p.m. campus security received a call from 911 dispatch informing us that they were looking for a man described to them as hispanicic male, approximately 5’10” tall, heavy build, wearing a black shirt and black and blue camouflage pants, accused of indecent exposure. The individual was last seen on 202nd. Security was immediately dispatched to patrol the area around east campus parking lots and 202nd to look for anyone matching this description.
As security was arriving in the area they noted police vehicles on 68th and in our parking lots. Shortly after arriving the security officer observed police pulling up in front of Triton Court.
At the same time, which was approximately 3:05 p.m., our security director was informed by a Lynnwood police officer that they were on the scene at Triton Court and they had the suspect in custody.
Campus Safety & Security is working closely with Lynnwood Police Department to supply video footage of the incident. Video shows an individual leaving Triton Court who is then confronted by the man pictured below. He is seen on camera moving towards the reporting person as they move back to the front door of Triton Court and re-enter the building. The aggressor pushes past the reporting person and goes into Triton Court.
This situation was resolved quickly in large part because of the reporting person’s quick thinking to go back inside and, due to bystanders who intervened.
Edmonds College is grateful for the coordination and quick response between our campus security and Lynnwood Police Department. A trespass notice was issued to the aggressor. He is not permitted on Edmonds College property per this order. It is possible the aggressor will be released. If you see him on campus please call campus security immediately at 425.754.0154. If he acts aggressively, call 911 first.
Per the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office jail, charges currently pending in this case include two counts of Burglary and three counts of Indecent Exposure with Sexual Motivation. Please note, these charges are not all related to activity on our campus. The individual was already being sought by police. At the time of his arrest we learned he was reported to have gone into other residences off campus and had exposed himself to others.
If you have further information about this situation please call Lynnwood Police at 425.407.3999 and reference case #2024-11975.
Safety Information and Protective Steps
- If you feel uneasy about a situation, trust your instincts and attempt to interrupt the chain of events. Create a distraction and involve others. If you are out with friends, make a commitment to ensure everyone has a safe way home.
- Be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious people or behavior to local law enforcement.
- When possible, travel in groups and walk in well-lit areas.
- Report defective locks on windows and doors IMMEDIATELY to a campus official.
- Carry minimal amounts of valuables, preferably not in plain sight.
- Call 911 immediately if you are the victim of a crime or witness a crime.
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154. Stay informed! Sign up to receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device.
The JeannCleryry Act
You are receiving this notification because of the JeannCleryry Act Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. ThCleryry Act, a federal consumer protection law, requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses, including timely warnings of crimes that may represent a threat to the safety of students or employees.
All US colleges that receive Federal Funding in the United States are required to follow the guidelines and mandates of thCleryry Act.
Under thCleryry Act, burglary is defined as the unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or a theft.
Jan. 29, 2024
We are currently experiencing a telephone outage. Please use email or text to contact campus staff.
Jan. 18, 2024
Campus resumes normal operations today, 1/18. There are still some icy patches on campus, please be cautious when walking and driving. Please do not cross any caution barriers.
Jan. 17, 2024, 8:40 a.m.
Due to icy conditions on campus and the frequently shifting forecast, we will remain in remote operations for today. All on-campus classes and activities are canceled. Online classes will meet as regularly scheduled. Instructors of in-person classes will post information or instructions on Canvas for students if moving the classes online or canceled. Today’s event honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. will be rescheduled.
Jan. 17, 2024, 4:30 a.m.
Due to icy conditions on campus, we will have a delayed opening at 10:30 a.m. All operations will move online. Online classes will continue as scheduled. In-person classes may be moved online or canceled. Faculty will post class instructions to Canvas. We will reevaluate at 8:00 a.m. for activities beyond 10:30 a.m.
Jan. 14, 2024
TRITON ALERT: Timely Warning: Report of vehicle theft on campus
On Saturday January 13, at approximately 8 p.m. Campus Security received a report of a missing vehicle. After a thorough search of the campus and a review of camera footage in the area where the vehicle was last believed to be parked; it is believed the vehicle was stolen at approximately 4:30 a.m. from Lot C, near the southern row of parking facinSnoqualmieie Hall. The stolen vehicle is a 2005 Dodge Ram silver gray in color, dual cab with black rims is seen in the picture below was identified by the reporting person as being their vehicle.
Stolen Vehicle - Taken from Lot C - exiting campus via lot B at approximately 4:35 a.m.
You are receiving this timely warning in compliance with thCleryry Act and because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Through increased awareness, we create a safer campus community.
Video footage from the area shows a dark blue or black pick up, dual cab appearing to be of similar make and model coming onto campus via the 200th Street entrance. It then drove into parking lots C. Shortly after this, both vehicles drove through the west loop of Lot B, pulled up alongside each other as seen in the image above and drove off campus, exiting through 200th St SW and 68th Ave W at approximately and heading south as they exited.
Lynnwood Police Department is investigating the reported theft. The Case Number to reference is 24-1475.
Anyone with further information is encouraged to contact the Lynnwood Police Department at 425.670.5600.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. Edmonds College urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
Prevent vehicle theft by:
- Be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious people or behavior to campus security or local police
- Take your keys; don't leave any keys in or on your vehicle.
- Close and lock all windows and doors when you park.
- Parking in well-lit areas.
- Never leave valuables in your vehicle, especially within sight.
For more tips on how to protect yourself and your vehicle, visit The National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration - Vehicle Theft Prevention Site
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24 hours a day 7 days a week at 425.754.0154.
To receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device, go to
Jan. 12, 2024
Campus will resume normal operations today, January 12. Safety is always a priority. Please use your discretion based on your local road conditions. There may be areas of black ice in parking lots and walkways so please use caution when driving and walking. Please do not cross caution tape or chains.
Jan. 11, 2024
Due to the sudden shift in weather, all evening activities and classes after 4 p.m. are canceled. Employees may leave as early as needed. Instructors may dismiss in-person classes early. Online classes will continue to meet as regularly scheduled. Instructors of in-person classes will post information or instructions on Canvas for students if moving the classes online. Updates in scheduling for tomorrow, January 12, will be announced at 5 a.m.
Dec. 8, 2023
ctcLink will be down for maintenance on Sat., Dec. 9.
- Start Time: 8:00 a.m.
- Anticipated end time: 10:30 a.m.
Please note that access to Canvas will not be affected. However, you'll need to use the direct link to Canvas to access its login page.
Nov. 28, 2023
Timely Warning: Vehicle theft and burglary - Orange Line Construction Site
Edmonds College Campus Security was notified Monday, Nov. 27, of two vehicles stolen from the Orange Line Construction area along the east side of campus. The thefts are believed to have occurred between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. Nov. 24-25. Security was also notified that a storage container was burglarized in that construction area around the same time.
It was reported that whoever committed the theft and burglary likely had keys to the construction site and vehicles, so security considers this an isolated incident and does not believe there is a significant or ongoing threat to campus safety.
Lynnwood Police recovered the trucks later, and a suspect was arrested off campus on Saturday, Nov. 25, at approximately 3 a.m. The incident is currently under investigation by Lynnwood Police.
Anyone with information about this incident or any crime should contact Campus Security at 425.754.0154 or via email to
If you have any information on the case, please contacLPDPD at 425.670.5669 and reference case number 23-43323.
You are receiving this timely warning in compliance with ThCleryry Act and because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Through awareness, we create a safer campus community.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. Edmonds College urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
Prevent vehicle theft by:
- Being aware of your surroundings and reporting any suspicious people or behavior to campus security or local police
- Take your keys; don't leave any keys in or on your vehicle.
- Close and lock all windows and doors when you park.
- Parking in well-lit areas.
- Never leave valuables in your vehicle, especially within sight.
For more tips on how to protect yourself and your vehicle, visit The National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration - Vehicle Theft Prevention Site
- Call 911 immediately if you are the victim of a crime or witness a crime.
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154. Stay informed! Sign up to receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device.
Oct. 19, 2023
Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill
The Great ShakeOut is a global emergency preparedness event that encourages participants to practice how to “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” during an earthquake.
Edmonds College will participate in this drill twice to ensure both daytime and evening classes and employees are able to participate. The drills will occur at 10:19 a.m. and 8:19 p.m. on Thursday, October 19, 2023. Messaging for this drill will be sent via our loudspeaker and digital message notification systems in all classrooms and workspaces and a notification via Triton Alert.
Although the earthquake drill may seem disruptive to our daily schedules, working diligently to have a plan and be prepared in the face of an emergency is of critical importance. Campus leadership anSSEPEP encourage all students, faculty and staff to participate. It is vital to be aware of our surroundings and have a plan for all types of emergencies.
According to federal, state, and local emergency management officials, the Drop, Cover, and Hold On protocol protects lives during earthquakes.
During an earthquake, you should:
- Drop to the ground (before the earthquake drops you!),
- Take cover by getting under a sturdy desk or table, and
- Hold on to it until the shaking stops.
If there isn't a table or desk near you, drop to the ground along an inside corner of the building and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms. Do not run to another room just to get under a table.
If you are outdoors when the shaking starts, you should find a clear spot away from buildings, trees, streetlights, and power lines, then Drop, Cover and Hold On. Stay there until the shaking stops.
In the event of a real emergency, the college will send out emergency notifications through the Triton Alert Emergency Notification System. You can sign up for these alerts — email and text.
For more information on earthquake preparedness, visit
In additionShakeAlertrt is an earthquake early warning system that is managed by the U.S. Geological SurveyShakeAlertrt detects significant earthquakes quickly enough so that alerts can be delivered to people and automated systems potentially seconds before shaking arrives. The purpose of the system is to reduce the impact of earthquakes and save lives and property.
ThUSGSGS works with licensed technical partners who usUSGSGS-issueShakeAlertrt Messages to alert people to take a protective action or to trigger automated actions. These automated actions could include slowing trains, closing water valves, turning on backup generators, issuing public announcements, and many others.
For general information abouShakeAlertrt, please visit: usgs.goShakeAlertrt
To geShakeAlertrt-powered alerts on your phone, please visit: usgs.gofaqsqs/how-do-i-sigshakealertrtr-earthquake-early-warning-system
Sept. 29, 2023
Edmonds College Annual Security and Fire Report now available
Clery Required Annual Security and Fire Report available for your review. Read the report here.
Sept. 27, 2023
Timely Warning: Burglary - Triton Court.
Edmonds College Campus Security received a call at approximately 7:33 p.m. last night from a resident at Triton Court who reported a possible theft from their bedroom. Upon further investigation it was discovered that the bedroom and apartment doors had been left unlocked for an extended period of time. Several items of value were reported missing and Lynnwood Police Department was notified and is working with the reporting party.
At approximately 9:40 a.m. on September 28, a second resident of Triton Court reported to Edmonds College Campus Security that they had items missing from their bedroom within their apartment. An amount of currency and also one other item of value were reported missing. Further investigation revealed that this burglary had happened during the samtimeframeme as the first reported incident on September 27. Lynnwood Police Department was dispatched and a report was taken.
You are receiving this timely warning in compliance with ThCleryry Act and because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Through awareness, we create a safer campus community.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. Edmonds College urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
Please remember to always take these safety precautions both on and off campus:
- Be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious people or behavior to local law enforcement.
- When possible, travel in groups and walk in well-lit areas.
- Report defective locks on windows and doors IMMEDIATELY to a campus official.
- Ensure your doors are locked and secure at all times
- If you lose the keys to your residence, have the lock(s) changed.
- Do not let strangers in to use your telephone.
- If you find that your home has been entered, DO NOT GO INSIDE. Call Campus Security or 911.
- If you are already inside, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING. You may disturb evidence that is important to the police investigation.
- Carry minimal amounts of valuables, preferably not in plain sight.
- Call 911 immediately if you are the victim of a crime or witness a crime.
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154. Stay informed! Sign up to receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device.
August 25, 2023
ctcLink will be down for maintenance on Sat., Aug. 26.
- Start Time: 5:00 a.m.
- Anticipated end time: 1:00 p.m.
Please note that access to Canvas will not be affected. However, you'll need to use the direct link to Canvas to access its login page.
August 23, 2023
Timely Warning: Burglary - Triton Court
On Wednesday evening at approximately 9:15PM Campus Security received a report from a resident of Triton Court saying they arrived home to find the door to their apartment unlocked, and that it appeared someone had cleaned their kitchen and bathroom. After further inspection they discovered missing items and called security. The resident filed a report with Lynnwood Police Department. The theft occurred sometime between 5:00AM when the resident left for the day and 7:45PM when they returned home.
You are receiving this timely warning in compliance with ThCleryry Act and because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Through awareness, we create a safer campus community.
Please call Lynnwood Police Department at 425.670.5600 and reference case number 23-31746 if you have any details about this incident.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. Edmonds College urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
Please remember to always take these safety precautions both on and off campus:
- Be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious people or behavior to local law enforcement.
- When possible, travel in groups and walk in well-lit areas.
- Report defective locks on windows and doors IMMEDIATELY to a campus official.
- Ensure your doors are locked and secure at all times
- If you lose the keys to your residence, have the lock(s) changed.
- Do not let strangers in to use your telephone.
- If you find that your home has been entered, DO NOT GO INSIDE. Call Campus Security or 911.
- If you are already inside, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING. You may disturb evidence that is important to the police investigation.
- Carry minimal amounts of valuables, preferably not in plain sight.
- Call 911 immediately if you are the victim of a crime or witness a crime.
- After you are in a safe place, if you have seen a suspect, try to document their physical characteristics, including what the suspect is wearing, weight, height, clothing, etc. Include any other identifying information such as scars, marks or tattoos, as well as any possible vehicles.
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154. Stay informed! Sign up to receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device.
August 20, 2023
Our Safety, Security and Emergency PreparednessSSEPEP) team continues to monitor the air quality in the Lynnwood/Edmonds area. Campus is open tomorrow and is fully operational.
Facilities has recently installed upgraded air filters across campus and assures us our filtration system is working to its highest capacity. You can expect to continue smelling smoke, especially in buildings where people frequently come and go, however the air quality in our buildings continues to be maintained through ouHVACAC systems.
If you have any significant health concerns impacted by air quality issues, please work with your supervisor to adjust your schedule as needed. All employees working outdoors should go indoors where possible. Faculty, if you anticipate making any changes to your finals schedule due to the air quality, please alert students through Canvas.
SSEP will continue to monitor the smoke forecast and if any change in operations is needed for Tuesday , you will be notified by 3 p.m. on Monday.
August 11, 2023
ctcLink will be down for maintenance on Sat., Aug. 12.
- Start Time: 5:00 a.m.
- Anticipated end time: 1:00 p.m.
Please note that access to Canvas will not be affected. However, you'll need to use the direct link to Canvas to access its login page.
July 12, 2023
Today, July 12, 2023, at approximately 10:27 a.m., Security received a call that a sexual assault had occurred in thMukilteoeo Hall elevator.
The reporting person stated she was in the elevator when she was approached by a male approximately 5’7” tall, slicked back hair, in a white shirt and round black frame glasses, carrying a black backpack.
There had been another person in the elevator, but once the reporting person and offender were alone in the elevator the reporting person describes being asked if she had a boyfriend. She responded to the question. The reporting person noted the offender appeared to be using a translator on their mobile device. The offender went on to ask "Can I touch your chest?" Before the reporting person could respond the offender reached out and touched and grabbed the reporting person's chest. The reporting person responded to this by yelling and moving away from the offender. When the elevator door opened the offender exited and the reporting person immediately exited and reported the incident to the nearest employee, pointing out the offender as they made contact with the employee.
Once Security had a description of the offender, Lynnwood Police Department was notified of the incident. They arrived quickly, and met a security officer aMukilteoeo Hall where a suspect was identified and taken into custody. The event is being investigated by the Edmonds College TitlIXIX office and the Lynnwood Police Department.
Any further details are being withheld to maintain reporting person privacy and would not enhance the information needed for campus safety.
Sexual assault of any kind is always the full responsibility of the offender.
Anyone with information about this incident or any crime should contact Campus Security at 425.754.0154 or via email to
Anyone with information about this incident, please contact Lynnwood Police Department at 425.670.5669 and reference Lynnwood Police Case Number 2023-25777.
Campus Security has provided the reporting person with a variety of support resources to assist them in feeling safer on campus and as they go about their daily activities.
Safety Information and Protective Steps
- Consent is a vital part of any intimate encounter with another. There are many times that consent cannot exist - for example if a person is under the age of 18 or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- It is estimated that in the United States one out of six women and one in thirty-three men have been the victim of rape or attempted rape. No matter the demographic, the most common type of sexual assault is not committed by a stranger, but by someone known to the survivor.
- Students are encouraged to take precautions to enhance their safety, and to understand how to seek, and assure affirmative consent during potentially intimate interactions with others, as well as how to respect when consent has been denied or revoked. More information on consent can be found through the following organizations:
- If you feel uneasy about a situation, trust your instincts and attempt to interrupt the chain of events. Create a distraction and involve others. If you are out with friends, make a commitment to ensure everyone has a safe way home.
- Survivors are encouraged to seek medical attention immediately, even if there are no obvious physical injuries. Receiving a sexual assault examination is free and conducted by a specially trained nurse at your local hospital. An examination does not obligate someone to any kind of investigation; however, it allows evidence to be collected and preserved in the event you choose to authorize a criminal investigation at a later time. More information on this process and other services for survivors of sexual assault can be found at the Providence Intervention Center for Assault and Abuse.
- In addition to seeking medical attention, there are other options for self-care after an assault, including contacting a confidential survivor advocate. More information about this and other options may be obtained here.
How to Report an Incident
- Call or email Campus Security - via phone at 425.754.0154 or
- Call the Campus TitlIXIX office
- TitlIXIX Investigator - JoaWyantnt, Associate Director of TitlIXIX and EEO, 425.640.1814Clearviewew Building 122B
- Online by completing our Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form
The JeannCleryry Act
You are receiving this notification because of the JeannCleryry Act Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. ThCleryry Act, a federal consumer protection law, requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses, including timely warnings of crimes that may represent a threat to the safety of students or employees.
All US colleges that receive Federal Funding in the United States are required to follow the guidelines and mandates of thCleryry Act.
Under thCleryry Act, sexual assault is defined as any sexual act directed against another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent.
UndeCleryry, there are four categories of sexual assault:
- Rape - the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus, with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. This offense includes the rape of both males and females.
- Fondling - the touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of their age or because of their temporary or permanent mental incapacity.
- Incest- sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
- Statutory Rape - sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.
May 21, 2023
Lynnwood Hall Update
Due to an air-handler system malfunction, Lynnwood Hall's first floor will be temporarily CLOSED on Monday, May 22, for IN-PERSON services. All financial aid, enrollment, advising, and cashiers services will be available online via Zoom. Please Locations & Hours web page for more information. If this closure needs to be extended, we will notify staff and students using the Rave email and text system no later than 6 p.m. on Monday.
We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you.
To receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device, go to the Triton Alert web page.
May 15, 2023
TRITON ALERT: Timely Warning: Report of vehicle theft on campus
On Monday, May 15, at approximately 5:30 p.m. Campus Security received a report of a missing vehicle. After a thorough search of the campus and a review of camera footage in the area where the vehicle was last believed to be parked; it was determined that the vehicle was stolen at approximately 5:15 p.m. The theft occurred in Lot C, neaSeaviewew. The stolen vehicle is a newer model dark gray Hyundai Sonata.
Stolen Vehicle - Taken from Lot C - Broken Passenger rear window exiting campus at approximately 5:19 p.m.
You are receiving this timely warning in compliance with thCleryry Act and because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Through increased awareness, we create a safer campus community.
Video footage from the area shows a white Hyundai Sonata coming onto campus at approximately 5:12 p.m. via the 200th Street entrance. It then drove through parking lots C and D, returning to lot C to park beside the stolen vehicle. Shortly after this, both vehicles drove off campus, exiting through 200th St SW and 68th Ave W at approximately 5:15 p.m. The stolen vehicle is seen following the white Sonata off campus.
Associated Vehicle upon entering campus
2 individuals in front seats appear to both be male
1 individual in the back seat dressed in a lighter color top
*Note the damage to the rear passenger fender well just below the gas tanks.
Associated Vehicle as it exits campus at approximately 5:19 p.m.
Two people are in the front of the vehicle. A passenger in a light color top is in the back.
Lynnwood Police Department is investigating the reported theft. The Case Number to reference is 23-17851.
Anyone with further information is encouraged to contact the Lynnwood Police Department at 425.670.5600.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. Edmonds College urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
Prevent vehicle theft by:
- Be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious people or behavior to campus security or local police
- Take your keys; don't leave any keys in or on your vehicle.
- Close and lock all windows and doors when you park.
- Parking in well-lit areas.
- Never leave valuables in your vehicle, especially within sight.
For more tips on how to protect yourself and your vehicle, visit The National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration - Vehicle Theft Prevention Site
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24 hours a day 7 days a week at 425.754.0154.
To receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device, go to
May 4, 2023
Timely Warning
Last evening campus security received a report from a student that they had been sexually assaulted on February 18th, 2023. The reporting person and offender are known to one another. The survivor reports that on February 18th they went to visit friends in the residence hall. During this visit, they were sexually assaulted. The encounter was non-consensual.
The event is being investigated by Edmonds College TitlIXIX office and the Lynnwood Police Department.
Any further details are being withheld to maintain survivor privacy and would not enhance the information needed for campus safety.
Sexual assault of any kind is always the full responsibility of the offender.
Anyone with information about this incident or any crime should contact Campus Security at 425.754.0154 or via email to
Anyone with information about this incident, please contact Lynnwood Police Department at 425.670.5669 and reference Case #23-16201.
Campus Security has provided the survivor with a variety of support resources to assist them in feeling safer on campus and as they go about their daily activities.
Safety Information and Protective Steps
- Consent is a vital part of any intimate encounter with another. There are many times that consent cannot exist - for example if a person is under the age of 18 or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- It is estimated that in the United States one out of six women and one in thirty-three men have been the victim of rape or attempted rape. No matter the demographic, the most common type of sexual assault is not committed by a stranger, but by someone known to the survivor.
- Students are encouraged to take precautions to enhance their safety, and to understand how to seek, and assure affirmative consent during potentially intimate interactions with others, as well as how to respect when consent has been denied or revoked. More information on consent can be found through the following organizations:
- If you feel uneasy about a situation, trust your instincts and attempt to interrupt the chain of events. Create a distraction and involve others. If you are out with friends, make a commitment to ensure everyone has a safe way home.
- Survivors are encouraged to seek medical attention immediately, even if there are no obvious physical injuries. Receiving a sexual assault examination is free and conducted by a specially trained nurse at your local hospital. An examination does not obligate someone to any kind of investigation; however, it allows evidence to be collected and preserved in the event you choose to authorize a criminal investigation at a later time. More information on this process and other services for survivors of sexual assault can be found at
- In addition to seeking medical attention, there are other options for self-care after an assault, including contacting a confidential survivor advocate. More information about this and other options may be obtained here.
How to Report an Incident
- Call or email Campus Security - via phone at 425-754-0154 or
- Call the Campus TitlIXIX office
- TitleIXIX Investigator - JoaWyantnt, Associate Director of TitlIXIX and EEO, 425.640.1814Clearviewew Building 122B
- TitleIX Coordinator - Casey King, Senior Director of Human Resources,425.640.1246Clearviewew Building 105
- Online by completing our Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form
The JeannCleryry Act
You are receiving this notification because of the JeannCleryry Act Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. ThCleryry Act, a federal consumer protection law, requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses, including timely warnings of crimes that may represent a threat to the safety of students or employees.
All US colleges that receive Federal Funding in the United States are required to follow the guidelines and mandates of thCleryry Act.
Under thCleryry Act, sexual assault is defined as any sexual act directed against another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent.
UndeCleryry, there are four categories of sexual assault:
- Rape - the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus, with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. This offense includes the rape of both males and females.
- Fondling - the touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of their age or because of their temporary or permanent mental incapacity.
- Incest- sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
- Statutory Rape - sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.
April 4
Gateway Hall Closed
Due to a significant lingering odor from paint used during elevator repair late yesterday afternoon, Gateway HallGWYWY) will remain closed today to allow for continued ventilation. While the product does not present a significant health risk, we have chosen this action out of an abundance of caution for the comfort and well-being of all of our employees, students, and guests.
All employees are asked to work remote or work with your supervisor for alternate workspace arrangements.
People who have appointments in Gateway Hall are asked to reach out to their contact via email to either arrange a virtual meeting or to reschedule.
Students with classes please check Canvas for further details.
We have every reason to believe that the building will be ready to re-open tomorrow, April 5, as normal. Should anything occur to change that, you will be notified via the Triton Alert System.
March 13, 2023
Timely Warning
You are receiving this timely warning in compliance with ThCleryry Act and because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Through awareness, we are working to keep our campus safe.
On Sunday, March 13, 2023, the TitlIXIX office received a report of stalkingCleryry defines stalking as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety, or the safety of others, or to suffer substantial emotional distress. The college’s TitlIXIX investigator spoke with the reporting person and learned the situation has been ongoing for several weeks.
The accused is an older adult male, who attends class with the reporting person. Despite being told repeatedly that the reporting person does not wish contact outside of the classroom, the accused has made numerous requests to meet the reporting person outside of the college classroom and has continued to reach out primarily using college electronic methods. The accused has also made multiple attempts to gain personal contact information such as a phone number for the reporting person. The TitlIXIX investigator met with the reporting person to provide a variety of support resources to assist them in feeling safer on campus and as they go about their daily activities.
Any further details are being withheld to maintain the reporting persons privacy and would not enhance the information needed for campus safety.
Anyone with information about this incident or any crime should contact Campus Security at 425.754.0154 or via email to
No one should need to state repeatedly that they do not wish contact with, or attention from, another person. It is always the full responsibility of the person reaching out to ensure their messages, contact, or presence is wanted by the other. When one person tells another they are uncomfortable with messages, social media contact, or attempts to relay messaging in any way, contact needs to end.
Consent is a vital part of any relationship. In human relationships, there are ways that consent cannot exist - for example if a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Students are encouraged to take precautions to enhance their safety, and to understand how to seek, and assure affirmative consent when seeking a relationship with another, as well as how to respect when consent has been denied or revoked. More information on consent can be found through the following organizations:
If you feel uneasy about a situation, trust your instincts and look for ways to interrupt or change the events that are happening. Create a distraction and involve others if you can. If you are out with friends, make a commitment to ensure everyone has a safe way home.
How to Report an Incident
Call or email Campus Security - via phone at 425.754.0154 or
Call the Campus TitlIXIX office
- TitleIXIX Investigator - JoaWyantnt, Associate Director of TitlIXIX and EEO, 425.640.1814Clearviewew Building 122B
- TitleIX Coordinator - Casey King, Senior Director of Human Resources,425.640.1246Clearviewew Building 105
Online by completing our Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form
The JeannCleryry Act
You are receiving this notification because of the JeannCleryry Act Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. ThCleryry Act, a federal consumer protection law, requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses, including timely warnings of crimes that may represent a threat to the safety of students or employees.
All US colleges that receive Federal Funding in the United States are required to follow the guidelines and mandates of thCleryry Act.
March 6, 2023
Campus Safety Bulletin: Report of catalytic converter theft
You are receiving this bulletin because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Being more aware helps keep our campus community safer.
On the afternoon of March 3rd, Campus Security received a theft report of a catalytic converter from a vehicle parked in Lot M. A report was filed with Lynnwood Police Department, and we are asking the public if you have any information about this theft - please call Lynnwood Police Department at 425.407.3999.
Campus security camera review shows what appears to be a Black Chevy SUV entering Edmonds College at approximately 4:15pm through 204th St SW. The vehicle proceeds to parking lot M by Snohomish hall. The vehicle pulled past its target and backed into the space alongside a Blue Mitsubishi in a Handicap stall. The thief exited the passenger side door and was out of view of the camera. The Black Chevy SUV was there for less than 60 seconds from the moment they backed into the parking space until they pulled back out heading south out of lot M.
The Black Chevy SUV is then seen driving to Edmonds School District parking lot and back out of that lot to Edmonds College parking lot P. In parking lot P, the Black Chevy SUV is seen parking adjacent to a Silver SUV, the thief exited the vehicle to look under the Silver SUV, however they quickly left at 4:19 p.m. after noticing other individuals in the parking lot walking in their general direction.
The Black Chevy SUV did not appear to have license plates. We have attached pictures taken from our camera system.
Only one individual was seen exiting the vehicle and we are not able to offer any identifying information due to camera angles.
These crimes happen very quickly as you can see from the timeline above. A security vehicle patrolled that area not 10 minutes before the theft and an officer on foot patrol went by about 3 minutes before this occurred. Our Security team continues to patrol consistently in areas all around our campus.
Anyone with further information is encouraged to contact the Lynnwood Police Department at 425.407.3999. Lynnwood Police Department Case Number to reference is #23-7864.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. EC urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
See more information on how to prevent catalytic converter theft.
We ask our students and employees to be aware and take the following actions to increase their safety both on and off campus:
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Report any suspicious people or behavior to campus security.
- When going through a public parking lot, f you see suspicious activity such as people working underneath a vehicle or someone who looks like they are acting as lookout call campus security.
- Using a saw is not normal car maintenance behavior.
- Always park in a well-lit area.
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154.
Sign up to receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device.
February 23, 2023
Timely Warning
You are receiving this timely warning in compliance with ThCleryry Act and because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Through awareness, we are working to keep our campus safe.
The TitlIXIX office received a report of StalkingCleryry defines stalking as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety, or the safety of others, or to suffer substantial emotional distress. The College’s TitlIXIX investigator spoke with the reporting person and learned the situation has been ongoing for several weeks.
The accused, a student, has continued to reach out to the reporting person, also a student, even after being told they wish to be left alone. The accused is reported to have entered a classroom looking for the reporting person and has attempted further contact through an off campus social organization. The reporting person became increasingly concerned about the consistent overstepping of boundaries and decided to seek help with safety planning and support for themselves. Campus Security and the TitlIXIX investigator are meeting with the reporting person to provide a variety of support resources to assist them in feeling safer on campus and as they go about their daily activities.
Any further details are being withheld to maintain the reporting persons privacy and would not enhance the information needed for campus safety.
Anyone with information about this incident or any crime should contact Campus Security at 425.754.0154 or via email to
No one should need to state repeatedly that they do not wish contact with, or attention from, another person. It is always the full responsibility of the person reaching out to ensure their messages, contact, or presence is wanted by the other. When one person tells another they are uncomfortable with messages, social media contact, or attempts to relay messaging in any way, contact needs to end.
Consent is a vital part of any relationship. There are many times, especially in the context of intimate relationships, that consent cannot exist - for example if a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Students are encouraged to take precautions to enhance their safety, and to understand how to seek, and assure affirmative consent when seeking a relationship with another, as well as how to respect when consent has been denied or revoked. More information on consent can be found through the following organizations:
If you feel uneasy about a situation, trust your instincts and attempt to interrupt the chain of events. Create a distraction and involve others. If you are out with friends, make a commitment to ensure everyone has a safe way home.
How to Report an Incident
Call or email Campus Security - via phone at 425.754.0154 or
Call the Campus TitlIXIX office:
- TitleIXIX Investigator - JoaWyantnt, Associate Director of TitlIXIX and EEO, 425.640.1814Clearviewew Building 122B
- TitleIX Coordinator - Casey King, Senior Director of Human Resources, 425.640.1246Clearviewew Building 105
Online by completing our Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form
The JeannCleryry Act
You are receiving this notification because of the JeannCleryry Act Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. ThCleryry Act, a federal consumer protection law, requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses, including timely warnings of crimes that may represent a threat to the safety of students or employees.
All US colleges that receive Federal Funding in the United States are required to follow the guidelines and mandates of thCleryry Act.
December 20, 2022
Due to the anticipated snowfall, and freezing temperatures, campus will operate remotely on Tuesday, December 20.
If you must come to campus on the 20th use extreme caution when driving and walking. While our ground crew will be hard at work, we don’t know exactly how much snow and ice will accumulate so the removal may take some time. Please observe all caution signs and DO NOT cross the caution tape. Exterior steps will likely be snowed over and icy so please use thADADA ramp or alternate entryway wherever possible.
All exterior doors will be locked so if you must be on campus, you will need youEdpassss to gain entry. For everyone’s safety and situational awareness please notify Security if you plan to be in your building.
Staff, be sure to update your web pages with any changes to your service hours.
December 12, 2022
Timely Warning: You are receiving this timely warning in compliance with ThCleryry Act and because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Through awareness, we are working to keep our campus safe.
Late in the evening on Friday Dec. 9th the TitlIXIX office received a report of StalkingCleryry defines stalking as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety, or the safety of others, or to suffer substantial emotional distress. Campus Security and the TitlIXIX investigator met with the reporting person today and learned that the situation has been ongoing over the past several months.
The people involved met through shared interest social groups. After initial conversation and a request from the accused to begin a dating relationship the reporting person told them they were not interested in a relationship. The accused continued to reach out through many channels, and was repeatedly told to stop. In the past few days the reporting person became increasingly concerned about the ongoing overstepping of boundaries. The reporting person decided to seek help with safety planning and support for themselves. Campus Security has provided the reporting person with a variety of support resources to assist them in feeling safer on campus and as they go about their daily activities.
Any further details are being withheld to maintain the reporting persons privacy and would not enhance the information needed for campus safety.
Anyone with information about this incident or any crime should contact Campus Security at 425.754.0154 or via email to
No one should need to state repeatedly that they do not wish contact with, or attention from, another person. It is always the full responsibility of the person reaching out to ensure their messages, contact, or presence is wanted by the other. When one person tells another they are uncomfortable with messages, social media contact, or attempts to relay messaging in any way, contact needs to end.
Consent is a vital part of any relationship. There are many times, especially in the context of intimate relationships, that consent cannot exist - for example if a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Students are encouraged to take precautions to enhance their safety, and to understand how to seek, and assure affirmative consent when seeking a relationship with another, as well as how to respect when consent has been denied or revoked. More information on consent can be found through the following organizations:
If you feel uneasy about a situation, trust your instincts and attempt to interrupt the chain of events. Create a distraction and involve others. If you are out with friends, make a commitment to ensure everyone has a safe way home.
How to Report an Incident
Call or email Campus Security - via phone at 425.754.0154 or
Call the Campus TitlIXIX office
- TitleIXIX Investigator - JoaWyantnt, Associate Director of TitlIXIX and EEO, 425.640.1814Clearviewew Building 122B
- TitleIX Coordinator - Casey King, Senior Director of Human Resources,425.640.1246Clearviewew Building 105
Online by completing our Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form.
The JeannCleryry Act
You are receiving this notification because of the JeannCleryry Act Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. ThCleryry Act, a federal consumer protection law, requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses, including timely warnings of crimes that may represent a threat to the safety of students or employees.
All US colleges that receive Federal Funding in the United States are required to follow the guidelines and mandates of thCleryry Act.
December 3, 2022
At approximately 11:00am today, campus security received a call from a student reporting they had been sexually assaulted on December 1st. The survivor and offender are known to one another. The survivor reports that on December 1st at approximately 9pm someone they had been dating came to their residence hall room to visit. During their time in the residence hall, the offender engaged in intimate touching and sexual activity and was told to stop. The offender did not stop when directed to do so. The encounter was non-consensual. Any further details have been withheld to maintain survivor privacy and would not enhance the information needed for campus safety. Sexual assault of any kind is always the full responsibility of the offender.
Anyone with information about this incident or any crime should contact Campus Security at 425.754.0154 or via email to
Campus Security has provided the survivor with a variety of support resources to assist them in feeling safer on campus and as they go about their daily activities.
Safety Information and Protective Steps
- Consent is a vital part of any intimate encounter with another. There are many times that consent cannot exist - for example if a person is under the age of 18 or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- It is estimated that in the United States one out of six women and one in thirty-three men have been the victim of rape or attempted rape. No matter the demographic, the most common type of sexual assault is not committed by a stranger, but by someone known to the survivor.
- Students are encouraged to take precautions to enhance their safety, and to understand how to seek, and assure affirmative consent during potentially intimate interactions with others, as well as how to respect when consent has been denied or revoked. More information on consent can be found through the following organizations:
- If you feel uneasy about a situation, trust your instincts and attempt to interrupt the chain of events. Create a distraction and involve others. If you are out with friends, make a commitment to ensure everyone has a safe way home.
- Survivors are encouraged to seek medical attention immediately, even if there are no obvious physical injuries. Receiving a sexual assault examination is free and conducted by a specially trained nurse at your local hospital. An examination does not obligate someone to any kind of investigation; however, it allows evidence to be collected and preserved in the event you choose to authorize a criminal investigation at a later time. See more information on this process and other services for survivors of sexual assault.
- In addition to seeking medical attention, there are other options for self-care after an assault, including contacting a confidential survivor advocate. See more information about this and other options.
How to Report an Incident
- Call or email Campus Security - via phone at 425-754-0154 or
- Call the Campus TitlIXIX office
- TitleIXIX Investigator - JoaWyantnt, Associate Director of TitlIXIX and EEO, 425.640.1814Clearviewew Building 122B
- TitleIX Coordinator - Casey King, Senior Director of Human Resources,425.640.1246Clearviewew Building 105
- Online by completing our Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form
The JeannCleryry Act
You are receiving this notification because of the JeannCleryry Act Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. ThCleryry Act, a federal consumer protection law, requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses, including timely warnings of crimes that may represent a threat to the safety of students or employees.
All US colleges that receive Federal Funding in the United States are required to follow the guidelines and mandates of thCleryry Act.
Under thCleryry Act, sexual assault is defined as any sexual act directed against another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent.
UndeCleryry, there are four categories of sexual assault:
- Rape - the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus, with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. This offense includes the rape of both males and females.
- Fondling - the touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of their age or because of their temporary or permanent mental incapacity.
- Incest- sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
- Statutory Rape - sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.
Campus will return to normal operations and regular schedules on Saturday, Dec. 3.
Grounds are still icy in some locations so please exercise caution when walking and driving on campus. Caution tape is still up in some areas while crews continue to de-ice and remove fallen trees and broken branches. Please observe the signs and do not cross the tape.
Students, please check your Canvas for updates from your instructors.
Stay safe!
Remote operations continue for Dec. 2.
Due to icy conditions on campus, we will operate remotely tomorrow, Dec. 2. While conditions may improve throughout the day today, the freezing temperatures overnight will refreeze whatever has melted causing unsafe conditions for employees, students and visitors to be on campus.
All non-essential employees are expected to work remotely tomorrow. If you came to campus today, please plan to work remotely tomorrow. If you are unable to work remotely, please talk with your supervisor to find alternative arrangements.
Thank you and please stay safe.
December 1, 2022
Due to the snow and icy conditions on local roads and campus, the campus will be in remote operations today, Dec. 1. This means all employees are expected to work remotely.
If you are unable to work remotely, please contact your supervisor for alternative arrangements. If no arrangements can be made, employees may use earned compensatory time, accrued vacation leave, accrued sick leave, up to a maximum of three (3) days in any calendar year or leave without pay.
For non-essential staff, if you must come to campus, please talk with your supervisor. Supervisors, if you have staff coming to campus, please alert security at Security24/
Faculty, please move all classes online and post this information and any instructions for students to Canvas.
Please check Canvas and follow instructions posted by your instructors.
November 30, 2022
Campus Closure/Suspended Operation
Due to a power outage, fallen trees and unsafe driving conditions, operations are suspended for today. Edmonds College is closed Nov. 30. All classes (including evening and online classes) and activities are canceled.
November 29, 2022
Campus Closure Alert
Due to the inclement weather, all evening activities after 4 p.m. are canceled. Online classes will continue to meet as regularly scheduled. Instructors of in-person classes will post information or instructions on Canvas for students. Tonight’s band concert is canceled.
November 5, 2022
Update 10:30 a.m.
The power has been restored across campus. Classes and activities will resume at noon today.
Due to a power outage on campus, classes and activities are canceled today through noon. We will continue to monitor the situation and send an update when we learn more about when we can expect power to return. Stay home and stay safe.
October 20, 2022
Edmonds College is participating in The Great ShakeOut global earthquake drill. We encourage you to practice. “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” during the earthquake announcement.
The Edmonds College drill is happening at 10:20 a.m. and 8:20 p.m. You will see a message scrolling on all classroom and workspace digital clock speakers, and hear a campus-wide announcement over the speaker system across campus.
During the drill please practice safety during an earthquake. We want you to Drop, Cover, and Hold On
As the message plays you should:
- Drop to the ground (before the earthquake drops you!),
- Take cover by getting under a sturdy desk or table, and
- Hold on to it until the sound of shaking stops.
If there isn't a table or desk near you, drop to the ground in an inside corner of the building and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms. Do not try to run to another room just to get under a table.
In the event of a real emergency, the college will send out emergency notifications through the Triton Alert system. You can sign up for these alerts — email and text — at
For more information on earthquake preparedness, visit
October 4, 2022
Our Safety, Security and Emergency Preparedness team advises there is a young unhealthy coyote roaming the golf course and campus.
The animal appears to be very ill. Fish & Wildlife have been notified.
As a reminder, coyotes are wild animals so please do not approach the animal. For those who are accompanied by service animals while on campus, please remain alert as we do not know if the coyote’s illness is contagious to other canines.
Here is more information about keeping yourself, family and pets safe from coyotes.
July 22, 2022
The Safety, Security and Emergency PreparednessSSEPEP) Team has been notified of a stalking on campus. The victim alerteSSEPEP to an incident that had taken place at approximately 130PM yesterday on campus. The reporting person shared that the individual in question has repeatedly attempted to contact them via phone, text and in person. Including one in person attempt on campus several months ago, and another attempt yesterday afternoon as they were exiting class.
The person of concern is not a student. He is described as an Asian male, approximately 5’ 10” - 6 feet tall, with short dark hair who always wears a hat and has been seen driving a white SUV/Jeep style vehicle. The reporting person has been given information and support resources for both on and off campus, including personal safety planning and instructions on how to contacSSEPEP for Security Officer response and support on campus.
You are receiving this notification because the JeannCleryry Act, a federal consumer protection law , requires colleges to disclose criminal acts that happen on, adjacent to, or within campus bounds. All US colleges that receive Federal Funding in the United States are required to follow the guidelines and mandates of thCleryry Act.
Clery defines stalking as:
Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to:
- Fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others; or
- Suffer substantial emotional distress.
For the purposes of this definition:
- Course of conduct means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts in which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means, follows, monitors, observessurveilsls, threatens, or communicates to or about a person, or interferes with a person’s property.
- Reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim.
- Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.
If you are a victim of stalking please consider taking the following steps for your safety:
What Can I Do If I'm Being Stalked?
- Tell someone. ...
- Block the aggressor from calling or text messaging you.
- Make your social media profiles private.
- Report them to campus security
- For a Security escort or Security Officer response on campus call 425-754-0154 any time day or night
- Keep them from seeing where you are in real time.
- Change your passwords.
- Contact local law enforcement.
- Call 911.
- Seek a Protection Order - a legal order to keep the person from contacting you
Victims of any form of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking are encouraged to seek confidential support at the Counseling and Resource Center iMountlakeke Terrace Hall 145 or call 425.640.1358.
Edmonds College offers support and resources for those in need. If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis, here are some resources to help:
Our Counseling and Resource Center is available to support Edmonds College students. The Center is located iMountlakeke Terrace Hall, Room 145, and staff can be reached by phone at 425.640.1358.
24/7 call crisis services are available both locally and nationally:
- Snohomish County Care Crisis Line: 425.258.HELP (4357).
- Dial 988 Lifeline or find resources at
Employees are encouraged to use the Employee Assistance ProgramEAPAP) for confidential services and may contact the Human Resources office for additional information. ThEAPAP can be reached at 1.800.648.5834.
Our college supports a culture of reporting behaviors of concern to maintain a safe learning and working environment.
Remember, if you See Something, Say Something. 24/7 security can be reached at 425.754.0154.
To receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device go to Triton Alert webpage.
June 2, 2022
Report of a Domestic Violence assault on campus
TIMELY WARNING NOTICE – You are receiving this notice of criminal activity as part of the Edmonds College Campus Safety Program. Through awareness, we create a safer campus community.
On Wednesday June 1, 2022 at approximately 5:49 p.m., Campus Safety and Security received a report of a Domestic Violence assault that had occurred at Triton Court. Preliminary information indicates the assault took place between two individuals inside Triton Court. The victim contacted 911 and requested assistance. Lynnwood Police Officers responded and were able to make contact with the victim and assailant. Due to the nature of the incident the assailant was arrested and booked into Snohomish County Jail. Campus Safety and Security worked with Lynnwood Police Department and followed all protocols and steps to assure the safety of the campus community.
Campus Safety and Security are working with Housing, campus counseling and student conduct to closely monitor the assailant’s behavior and status on campus and in housing.
If you have any information about this incident, please call Campus Security at 425.754.0154.
Campus Safety and Security is working to maintain the security of the campus, and we urge all victims of Domestic Violence to seek help by:
- Calling 911 if you feel threatened or are in danger
- Contact Campus Security at 425.754.0154 to request assistance
- Seek confidential support at the Counseling and Resource Center iMountlakeke Terrace Hall room 145 or by calling 425.640.1358)
- Contacting Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County or by calling 425.25ABUSE
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Safety and Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154
March 22, 2022
Campus Safety Bulletin: Report of catalytic converter thefts
You are receiving this bulletin because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Being more aware helps keep our campus community safer.
On the afternoon of March 21, 2022 at approximately 3:10 p.m. Campus Security received a report of a theft of a catalytic converter from a vehicle parked in Lot A. Review of cameras across campus revealed the same suspect vehicle then drove around to lot P near the Center for Families where a second theft occurred. Lynnwood Police Department was notified of each incident separately due to the time between the thefts and discovery of the second incident. They are investigating the reported thefts.
In the videos from campus security cameras, an orange colored, Ford F250 crew cab pickup truck entered Edmonds College at approximately 1:17 p.m. through 200th St. The vehicle then proceeded to parking lot A by Hazel Miller Hall, and parked next to a black Honda Element. The orange truck was there until 1:30 p.m. when it was seen leaving through 200th St.
The orange Ford F250 crew cab pickup truck has no front or back license plate. In place of the license plate there are two yellow signs with the words “GR8 DEAL.” Distinctive markings include a dark colored bed cover, a dual metal bar rack, and yellow/orange lights on top front of cab, as well as a small light bar towards the rear of the roof.
Suspects are seen on video. Suspect number 1 described as the driver, appears to be male, light skinned, seen without cap to have dark shorter hair, later wearing a black baseball cap with Nike logo, bright yellow construction style waterproof jacket and pants.
Suspect number 2 appears to be female, light skinned, camera shows light blonde hair, medium build, wearing a dark jacket, white shirt, jeans and white tennis shoes.
At approximately 1:21 p.m. the individuals parked in parking lot A next to the victim vehicle. The driver exits the vehicle and walks west towards Mill Creek Hall and then returns approximately 4 minutes later.
At approximately 1:24 p.m. the driver returns to the vehicle and a female exits the passenger side.
At approximately 1:25 p.m. the both individuals are seen trying to get under the victim's vehicle.
At approximately 1:30 p.m. both suspects return to their vehicle and proceed to leave campus via 200th St.
At approximately 1:33 p.m. the same orange Ford F250 pickup truck is seen entering campus along the south road passing Snohomish Hall. They park in lot P next to a gray ToyotPriusus.
At approximately 1:35 p.m. both suspects are seen exiting the pickup and stand on the passenger side between the truck and thPriusus.
At approximately 1:38 p.m. thPriusus is seen to be lifting up, possibly by a car jack.
At approximately 1:40 p.m. thPriusus is seen being lowered, the suspects enter their vehicle and leave campus via 204th St.
The first victim returned to their vehicle at approximately 3:10 p.m. and discovered that the theft had occurred. They then contacted Campus Security. The second victim was notified of the theft by Campus Security.
Anyone with further information is encouraged to contact the Lynnwood Police Department at 425.407.3999. Lynnwood Police Department Case Number to reference is #22-8340 (Honda) and #22-8346Priusus).
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. EC urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
From the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Department - Thefts of catalytic converters are on the rise. Trucks anSUVsVs with decent ground clearance are the usual targets, but Toyota Prius’ are also frequently targeted. ThPriusus is prized because the catalytic converters on hybrid cars typically are in better condition because the car only uses it while in gas mode. Their less-used condition makes converters off hybrids more valuable to bring to scrap metal buyers.
See more information on how to prevent catalytic converter theft.
We ask our students and employees to be aware and take the following actions to increase their safety both on and off campus:
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Report any suspicious people or behavior to campus security.
- When going through a public parking lot, call 911 if you see suspicious activity such as people working underneath a vehicle or someone who looks like they are acting like a lookout. Using a saw is not normal car maintenance behavior. Always park in a well-lit area when available.
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154.
To receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device, go to
Jan. 7, 2022
Winter quarter classes will be remote. Please see the Winter Quarter Update for details.
Dec. 28, 2021
Due to icy road and parking lot conditions, and the forecast for snow accumulation on Thursday, Edmonds College will be operating remotely through Thursday, December 30. All in-person services and activities are canceled.
For virtual services, please visit: Location and Hours webpage.
Dec. 27, 2021
Edmonds College Winter Weather Update
Due to icy ground conditions, Edmonds College is operating remotely Dec. 28. All in-person services and activities are canceled. For virtual services, please visit: Location and Hours webpage.
Stay tuned for updates.
Dec. 26, 2021
Edmonds College Winter Weather Update
Due to inclement weather, Edmonds College is operating remotely Dec. 27. All in-person services and activities are canceled. Stay tuned for updates!
Stay safe!
Oct. 29, 2021
Campus Safety Bulletin: Report of catalytic converter theft
You are receiving this bulletin because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Being more aware helps keep our campus community safer.
On the evening of October 28, Campus Security received a report of a theft of a catalytic converter from a vehicle parked in Lot E. Lynnwood Police Department is investigating the reported theft.
In the videos from campus security cameras, what appears to be a red, late 1990s Mercury Mountaineer SUV entered Edmonds College at approximately 3:07 p.m. through 200th St. The vehicle then proceeded to parking lot E bSnoqualmieie and Brier halls, and parked next to a light blue ToyotPriusus. The red Mercury Mountaineer was there until 3:23 p.m. when it was seen leaving through 200th St.
The red SUV has what appears to be wide white space behind the license plate.
The red SUV has no front plate, and appears to have a small light bar on the hood of the car towards the back of the hood.
Two individuals were seen exiting the vehicle.
One male, light skinned with dark hair and wearing a brown/khakicarhartttt" style jacket and dark pants.
One female, light skinned, with blonde hair wearing a dark jacket/sweater and light pants or leggings.
At approximately 3:20 p.m. the bluPriusus was seen lifted, possibly by a car jack. It appears the male suspect kneels on the passenger side of thPriusus, getting under the victim's vehicle. It appears the perpetrators placed items into their vehicle and drove away.
The victim returned to his vehicle at 5:00 p.m. and discovered that the theft had occurred.
Anyone with further information is encouraged to contact the Lynnwood Police Department at 425.407.3999. Lynnwood Police Department Case Number to reference is #2021-32705.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. EC urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
From the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Department - Thefts of catalytic converters are on the rise. Trucks anSUVsVs with decent ground clearance are the usual targets, but ToyotPriuseses are also becoming frequent picks. ThPriusus is prized because the catalytic converters on hybrid cars typically are in better condition because the car only uses it while in gas mode. Their less-used condition makes converters off hybrids more valuable to bring to scrap metal buyers.
See more information on how to prevent catalytic converter theft.
We ask our students and employees to be aware and take the following actions to increase their safety both on and off campus:
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Report any suspicious people or behavior to campus security.
- When going through a public parking lot, call 911 if you see suspicious activity such as people working underneath a vehicle or someone who looks like they are acting like a lookout. Using a saw is not normal car maintenance behavior. Always park in a well-lit area.
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154.
To receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device, go to
Oct. 28, 2021
Campuinternetet anwififi services have been fully restored as of 10:34 a.m. Our service provider assures us that our connection is stable and that we are not expecting any further interruptions today.
Oct. 28, 2021
Internet access anwififi has been down or spotty on campus today.
Internet access has been restored for some services on campus but is still unstable. We do not have an estimate yet for restoration of our full K20 Connection. It is recommended that employees work from home today, if possible, so that network traffic can be prioritized for classes and services to students on campus.
At this time, we are nocancellingng classes. If this outage impacts your ability to attend class or work on campus, please communicate with your faculty member or supervisor as soon as you are able to do so.
Access to Canvas anGooglele apps is still available from off-campus through privatinternetet connections.
We are working to address the outage as quickly as possible and will provide an update when it is fully restored. Please plan accordingly when coming to campus today.
Oct. 21, 2021
On Thursday October 21, at approximately 9 a.m., Campus Security received a report of a missing college vehicle. After a thorough search of the campus and a review of camera footage in the area where the vehicle was last believed to be parked; it was determined that the vehicle was stolen at approximately 04:17 a.m. today, October 21, 2021. The theft occurred in Lot A, neaMeadowdalele Hall.. The stolen vehicle is a Dark Green Dodge Ram 2500 with a large rail style enclosure and lift gate. License plate # 03221E. Photo of similar vehicle below.
You are receiving this timely warning in compliance with ThCleryry Act and because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Through awareness, we create a safer campus community.
Video footage from the area shows an associated white pick up truck, extended cab with a variety of boxes and other items in the bed of the truck comes onto campus at approximately 04:01 a.m. via 68th Ave W and through parking lot D, it drove through parking lot C before going to the location of the parked stolen vehicle in parking lot A, and then drove it off campus exiting through 200th St SW and 68th Ave W at approximately 04:18 a.m. The Green Dodge truck is seen following the associated vehicle off of campus. A picture of the associated vehicle can be seen below.
Lynnwood Police Department is investigating the reported theft. The Case Number to reference is 21-31951.
Anyone with further information is encouraged to contact the Lynnwood Police Department at 425.670.5600.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. Edmonds College urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
Prevent vehicle theft by:
- Closing and locking all windows and doors when you park.
- Being aware of your surroundings, and reporting any suspicious people or behavior to local law enforcement, or campus security.
- Taking your keys with you; don't leave any keys in or on your vehicle.
- Parking in well-lit areas.
- Never leave valuables in your vehicle, especially within sight.
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154.
To receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device, go to
Oct. 21, 2021
Edmonds College is participating in The Great ShakeOut global earthquake drill. We encourage you to practice. “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” during the earthquake announcement.
The Edmonds College drill is happening at 10:21 a.m. You will see a message scrolling on all classroom and workspace digital clock speakers, and hear a campus-wide announcement over the speaker system across campus.
During the drill please practice safety during an earthquake. We want you to Drop, Cover, and Hold On
As the message plays you should:
- Drop to the ground (before the earthquake drops you!),
- Take cover by getting under a sturdy desk or table, and
- Hold on to it until the sound of shaking stops.
If there isn't a table or desk near you, drop to the ground in an inside corner of the building and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms. Do not try to run to another room just to get under a table.
In the event of a real emergency, the college will send out emergency notifications through the Triton Alert system. You can sign up for these alerts — email and text — at
For more information on earthquake preparedness, visit
Oct. 1, 2021
Edmonds College Annual Security and Fire Report now available
TRITON ALERT - Edmonds College - Non Emergency
Clery Required Annual Security and Fire Report available for your review. Read the
report here.
Aug. 25, 2021
Update: According to Lynnwood police, most of the vehicles didn’t have anything taken; however, a handgun was taken from a vehicle. A witness described the suspects as three teenage people, two males and one female. When the witness tried to approach them, they jumped into a vehicle and fled the scene. The suspects' vehicle is believed to be a 2006-1greyey/silver Chevy impala with noticeable damage to the back passenger side panel.
Campus Security received a report of several vehicles being broken into in the golf parking around Lot Q this evening. Lynnwood Police Department is investigating the reported break-ins.
At approximately 6:40 p.m. last night campus security made contact with Lynnwood police as they were taking a report of a vehicle break-in. Lynnwood police and campus security surveyed the parking lot and determined there were several vehicles impacted by this crime. Due to vehicle owners not being present or available at the time of the discovery, there are no additional details available.
Anyone with further information is encouraged to contact the Lynnwood Police Department at 425.407.3999. Lynnwood Police Department Case Number to reference is 21-256433.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. EC urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
We ask our students and employees to be aware and take the following actions to increase their safety both on and off campus:
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- If you feel unsaftravellingng to and from your vehicle, call Campus Security at 425.754.0154 for an escort.
- Report any suspicious people or behavior to campus security or local law enforcement.
- Take your keys; don't leave them in or on your vehicle.
- Close and lock all windows and doors when you park.
- Park in well-lit areas.
- Never leave valuables in your vehicle and ensure nothing of value is visible.
- When walking to your car or home, have your keys ready in your hand.
- Be sure you can hear what is happening around you - don’t usearbudsds.
Remember, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154.
To receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device, go to
June 18, 2021
Campus Security received reports of five vehicle break-ins that occurred in golf parking west of Lot Q this evening. Lynnwood Police Department is investigating the reported break-ins. After reviewing statements from all impacted parties it appears the vehicles were broken into between 6:30-7:05 p.m. Each vehicle had a window broken out. It was reported that no items of significant value were taken.
Anyone with further information is encouraged to contact the Lynnwood Police Department at 425.407.3999. Lynnwood Police Department Case Number to reference is 21-18074.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. EC urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
We ask our students and employees to be aware and take the following actions to increase their safety both on and off campus:
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- If you feel unsaftravellingng to and from your vehicle, call Campus Security at 425.754.0154 for an escort.
- Report any suspicious people or behavior to campus security or local law enforcement.
- Take your key; don't leave it in or on your vehicle.
- Close and lock all windows and doors when you park.
- Park in well-lit areas.
- Never leave valuables in your vehicle and ensure nothing of value is visible.
- Use the "buddy system" and watch out for your neighbor.
- Do not accept or offer a ride from people you don’t know.
- When walking to your car or home, have your keys ready in your hand.
- Be sure you can hear what is happening around you - don’t usearbudsds.
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154.
May 20, 2021
Campus Security received reports of two vehicle break-ins that occurred on campus today. Lynnwood Police Department is investigating the reported break-ins.
It was reported that the vehicle break-ins occurred neaWoodwayay Hall in the golf course parking lot between 4:45 through 6:30 p.m. today.
Anyone with further information is encouraged to contact the Lynnwood Police Department at 425.407.3999. Lynnwood Police Department Case Number to reference is 21-14891.
Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. EC urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.
We ask our students and employees to be aware and take the following actions to increase their safety both on and off campus:
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- If you feel unsaftravellingng to and from your vehicle, call Campus Security at 425.754.0154 for an escort.
- Report any suspicious people or behavior to campus security or local law enforcement.
- Take your key; don't leave it in or on your vehicle.
- Close and lock all windows and doors when you park.
- Park in well-lit areas.
- Never leave valuables in your vehicle and ensure nothing of value is visible.
- Use the "buddy system" and watch out for your neighbor.
- Do not accept or offer a ride from people you don’t know.
- When walking to your car or home, have your keys ready in your hand.
- Be sure you can hear what is happening around you - don’t usearbudsds.
REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154.
To receive Triton Alerts on your mobile device, go to
Nov. 30, 2020
Edmonds College Annual Security and Fire Report now available
TRITON ALERT - Edmonds College - Non Emergency
Clery Required Annual Security and Fire Report available for your review. Read the
report here.
What if It Snows?
In inclement weather, Edmonds College typically makes decisions regarding emergency closures or class cancellations by 5 a.m. for day classes and 3 p.m. for evening classes (or as early as circumstances allow). Then we start getting the word out. See campus weather conditions web page for periodically updated images of conditions on campus.
The college seeks to stay open to fulfill its mission whenever possible — so, most likely, it will be classes as usual for the college — but individuals should protect their own health and safety. Take care of yourself and be safe!
Students, work with your instructors if you need to make other arrangements in an emergency.
Important notice to students, employees, and the community:
Due to ongoing fire and safety concerns of the National Fire Protection Association, Edmonds College prohibits the use, possession, or storage ofhoverboardrd" style transport devices on campus property. This includes but is not limited to student housing, classrooms, meeting space, walkways, hallways, and open courtyards.