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March 11, 2025

Timely Warning: Stolen Items - Notify Campus Security if seen

You are receiving this timely warning in compliance with The Clery Act and because you are part of the Edmonds College community. Through awareness, we create a safer campus community.

On the evening of March 7, 2025 at approximately 6:54 p.m. campus security received a report of two backpacks missing from classroom 221 in Hazel Miller Hall. Review of camera footage showed an individual walking through the 2nd floor of Hazel Miller Hall trying door handles and looking in windows. They came to Hazel 220 and found the door propped open with a roll of painters tape. They passed through 220 and into 221 where they stayed for about 2 minutes. They exited 221 carrying backpacks that matched the description of the missing bags, as they walked around the hall on the second floor. The individual is then seen without the backpacks on the west end of the building. They make their way past Meadowdale, to Lynnwood Hall which is locked. They then walk out the east side of the courtyard and enter the Orange Line Bus Loop. The backpacks were later discovered in a stairwell in Hazel Miller Hall with no items missing from them.

On March 10, 2025 campus security was notified that during a baseball game on Sunday, March 9, several athletes noticed their backpacks had been gone through while left in the Indoor Hitting Facility. In this event money was reported missing. Review of campus camera footage shows these thefts occurred between 2:06 and 2:10 p.m. The individual enters the hitting facility through the south entrance which had been unlocked for the event and proceeds to walk through the space, riffling through several bags and stealing cash, before departing.

During further review of camera footage of both incidents it was discovered late last night that this individual entered Lynnwood Hall on March 10, 2025 at 1:13 p.m. before going to the Indoor Hitting Facility. During this time she went up the elevator where she stayed upstairs for a time. She is seen returning to the first floor of Lynnwood Hall at 1:50 when she exited the elevator, carrying an EdPass. She placed the EdPass on top of one of the vending machines and waited for a student to pass. Once the group of students entered the elevator, she collected the EdPass and left the building. She then attempted to use the EdPass to gain entry to Woodway Hall which was locked. This attempt was unsuccessful, but indicates intention to commit a crime.

The individual in question is described from as being “short and heavy set” the images below show her at the times she was on campus. She appears to have red hair.

Suspect 3-11-2025
suspect 3/11/2025

If you see this individual on campus please call campus security immediately at 425-754-0154. Anyone with further information is asked to call campus security at 425-754-0154 or reach out via email to Security24.7@edmonds.edu

Anytime you lose your EdPass you need to report it immediately to campus security. If you lost your EdPass on or around March 10, please contact campus security so we can ensure your access is turned off.

Whenever a situation is of concern to our campus community, we will notify you. EC urges anyone who is a victim of any crime to call 911 immediately AND make a report to Campus Security.

We ask our students and employees to be aware and take the following actions to increase their safety both on and off campus:

  • Be aware of your surroundings - is someone you trust able to watch your stuff?
  • Do not leave your belongings unattended in an unsecured area
    • It only takes a moment for someone to pick them up and walk away.
  • Report any suspicious people or behavior to campus security immediately
  • Do not prop doors open that are meant to be closed and/or locked

REMEMBER, if you See Something, Say Something by calling Campus Security 24/7 at 425.754.0154.

Feb. 25, 2025

Update 8:50 a.m.

Power has been restored and all of campus is open. Employees are to report to work at 10 a.m. or earlier if their schedule permits.

7:30 a.m.

Due to a recent power outage, main and north campus are currently closed. The current plan is to have a delayed opening at 10 a.m. Monroe and Gateway buildings are open. Updates will be provided as we learn more from Snohomish County PUD.

Feb. 10, 2025

Campus is open. However, there is ice in some areas so please use caution when driving and walking. Please observe all caution signs.

Feb. 8, 2025

Campus is open. However, there is ice in some areas so please use caution when driving and walking. Please observe all caution signs and tape.

Feb. 7, 2025

7:30 a.m. UPDATE

Due to icy conditions, campus will be in remote operations.

All employees are to work remotely. If you are unable to work remotely, please contact your supervisor.

Students, please check with your faculty for further instructions.

Feb. 6, 2025

Due to snowy conditions, campus is closed, all operations are suspended. All classes and activities are canceled.

Feb. 5, 2025

Due to snowy conditions, campus will have a delayed opening. All classes and activities will begin at 10:00 a.m.

Feb. 3, 2025

Due to weather changes, all classes and activities are canceled beginning at 5 p.m. tonight, February 3. Tomorrow, February 4, will be a delayed opening. All classes and activities will begin at 10:00 a.m.

Archived Alerts

What if It Snows?

In inclement weather, Edmonds College typically makes decisions regarding emergency closures or class cancellations by 5 a.m. for day classes and 3 p.m. for evening classes (or as early as circumstances allow). Then we start getting the word out. See campus weather conditions web page for periodically updated images of conditions on campus.

The college seeks to stay open to fulfill its mission whenever possible — so, most likely, it will be classes as usual for the college — but individuals should protect their own health and safety. Take care of yourself and be safe!

Students, work with your instructors if you need to make other arrangements in an emergency.

Important notice to students, employees, and the community:

Due to ongoing fire and safety concerns of the National Fire Protection Association, Edmonds College prohibits the use, possession, or storage ofhoverboardrd" style transport devices on campus property. This includes but is not limited to student housing, classrooms, meeting space, walkways, hallways, and open courtyards.