Washington State Department of Corrections Leads the Nation in GED's
by Michael Paris, Educational Service Manager
According to research conducted by the Ohio Correctional Institutional Inspection Committee, Washington State had the highest rate of GEDs® achieved per 1,000 inmates in United States in 2012. The National average is 31.8 GEDs per 1,000 inmates, compared to Washington’s rate of 74.7.
“For many offenders, achieving a GED or high school equivalency is a major accomplishment and represents the first time they have been successful at pursuing an education,” said Mr. Paris, Offender Education Administrator. “We have a strong offender education system in Washington State thanks to our excellent partnership with the colleges that provide the services within our facilities.” In fiscal year 2012, the Washington Department of Corrections awarded 1,334 GEDs.
All of the state’s prisons provide GED programs, which serve as a foundation for reentry. “Without a GED or high school diploma, finding a job on the outside can be difficult and this credential is generally required to participate in vocational training programs and Correctional Industries jobs on inside. Many offenders that achieve a GED realize that they can be successful and want to further their education, both inside the prison and on the outside after release. The more education an offender has the lower the recidivism rate.”
Data Enrollment Trends allows us to plan and adjust class enrollment success. The data can be used to support SBTC and Edmonds College future planning.
Twin Rivers Unit (TRU); Minimum Security Unit (MSU); Washington State Reformatory Unit (WSRU); Special Offender Unit (SOU) Data Enrollment Trends per class.
Fall Data Enrollment 2017
ABE GED (212) Math (38) Business ATA (30) Small Business (54) Computer Program (29) Job Seeking Skills (34) College Readiness (13) Building Maintenance (22) ) Life Skills Computing (30) Contextualized Basic Skills (26)
Winter Data Enrollment 2018
ABE GED (193) Math (34) Business ATA (35) Small Business (53) Computer Program (28) Job Seeking Skills (26) College Readiness (13) Building Maintenance (29) ) Life Skills Computing (14) Contextualized Basic Skills (38)
Spring Data Enrollment 2018
ABE GED (211) Math (14) Business ATA (36) Small Business (54) Computer Program (28) Job Seeking Skills (40) College Readiness (15) Building Maintenance (26) ) Life Skills Computing (20) Contextualized Basic Skills (40) English Bridges (11)
Summer Data Enrollment 2018
ABE GED (211) Pre College Math (14) Business ATA (36) Small Business (48) Computer Program (28) Job Seeking Skills (40) College Readiness (15) Building Maintenance (30) ) CISM (25) Contextualized Basic Skills (40)
Fall Data Enrollment 2018
ABE GED (194) Math (4) Business ATA (32) Small Business (56) Computer Program (29) CTAP (32) HS21+(20) Contextualized Basic Skills (10) English Bridges (1)