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Students learning English in class


English Language Acquisition (ELA)

Learn Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing

We can teach you English in a safe and welcoming environment. Our affordable English Language Acquisition (ELA) classes are for immigrants, refugees, or U.S. citizens that are non-native English speakers.

Who can take ELA classes?

Anyone who:

  • is 16 years old or older,
  • is not enrolled in a high school,
  • is a refugee, immigrant, resident, or citizen of the United States,
  • lives in Washington state,
  • is a non-native English speaker,
  • places into ELA Level 1-6.

    We also accept students with the following visa types: A, E, G, H, I, K, L, or R. 

Tuition is $25 per quarter.

How to get started

New and returning students must have an Edmonds College ctcLink number AND complete an ELA Program Application.  

If you are in the United States with an F, M, TN/TD, J, or B visa, call the Office of International Programs at 425.640.1518 for information.

Get Started

We offer

  • Six levels - beginning literacy through advanced
  • Seven Levels of Pre-College English (Academic English classes) in person, hybrid, and online
  • In person, online, and hybrid classes in the day, afternoon, and evening
  • Skills Lab for extra practice and support

Get prepared for college

We offer advanced ELA classes to help you prepare for college in subjects like allied health and business. Math classes are also available for students in levels 4 and above. We also have a transitions case manager who can help you plan for college, learn what steps you need to take to start college, and give you information about financial aid. Learn more about taking college classes after ELA and how to meet with the transitions case manager.

Start ELA Classes

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