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Arrival Dates

Important Dates

Student Arrival Dates

Most students arrive on the dates set by the Housing Office (see above) and are brought by a driver from the airport to the Housing Office. We select a day that we know our staff, drivers and families will be available to pick-up and spend time helping new students -usually weekends or holidays. If you receive calls or emails about a student's arrival (from student or their family), please notify the Housing Office.

Host Families Picking Up Students From Housing Office

  • Look for the day and block of time (usually 3 hours) of your student's arrival in your letter from the Housing Office. Please keep the whole day free, however, in case your student experiences travel delays!
  • We will call you as soon as we know your student is on his/her way from the airport and let you know approximately when to pick your student up at the Housing Office. Please arrive early. First impressions are important! Be ready to answer your phone and be on time. 
  • Please don't call the office on arrival dates. We need to keep the phone free for drivers calling from the airport. 
  • Please do call the Housing Office before the arrival dates if you don't receive an arrival time via letter - your student may be delayed.