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Food available at the food pantry


Food Pantry


We know you can't do your best in class on an empty stomach. We want to help you succeed!

The Edmonds College Food Pantry is located in the Olympic Building (see map below). The food pantry is a free service available to Edmonds College students and employees experiencing food insecurity.

You can pick up food and personal hygiene supplies at the food pantry, including non-perishable items such as canned food, pasta, grains, dried fruits, and other shelf-stable items.

Donations are always accepted

See our donations page for guidance on needed items. 

Hungry to learn flyerMovie: Hungry to Learn (2019) and Discussion

2/12, 2-4 p.m.

The Edmonds College Food Pantry is proud to sponsor a documentary about food insecurity among college students. Please join us!

Join us in the Black Box Theatre.



  • All students and employees must have a current physical EdPass to access the Food Pantry.
    • Photos or copies of your Edpass are not accepted. We cannot verify that you are a current student without your Edpass, even if you know your number.  We need to be able to swipe your card. Thank you for your understanding.
  • You can utilize the pantry only once a week (this limit does not include the Lynnwood Food Bank truck on Thursdays).
  • Each person must be present to receive supplies.

Food Pantry Hours of Operation

The Food Pantry will be closed during the spring break from March 21-April 7. We will re-open April 8.

Spring 2025 Quarter Hours

Tuesdays, 3-7 p.m.
Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 
Thursdays, 12-6 p.m. (Lynnwood Food Bank Truck, 1-3 p.m.)

For those who need addtional food assistance, please go to the Lynnwood Food Bank on Wednesdays 11 a.m.-5 p.m. or Fridays 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at 5320 176th Street SW in Lynnwood.

See hours below for more details and specific times.

*Hours subject to change. For emergency food access during off hours or access to Laundromat Vouchers, please contact Stewart Sinning at stewart.sinning@edmonds.edu.

Food Pantry Volunteering

Volunteer at the Edmonds College Food Pantry.  Our food pantry is a critical service that provided food to our student and staff who are facing food insecurity.  Are you looking for a service project, extra-credit, make new friends, or just want to serve your community, then look no further.

Click here to fill out the Food Pantry Volunteer Interest form.

Other Resources

The Lynnwood Food Bank Truck is on campus every Thursday*, 1-3 p.m. at the Olympic Building parking lot on north campus during each quarter.

Lynnwood Food Bank logo

The Lynnwood Food Bank Truck will distribute food to Edmonds College students and employees experiencing food insecurity. The truck will be parked in the Olympic Building parking lot. See the parking lot map.

Typical foods that will be distributed will consist of:

  • Canned and dry goods
  • Fresh fruit
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Bread
  • Pastries
  • Eggs
  • Potatoes, onions
  • Meat
  • Snacks


The Edmonds College Food Pantry is partially funded by the Campus Green Fund, sponsored by the Associated Students of Edmonds College. The Campus Green Fund provides resources to further the Sustainability Initiative on campus with awards to students, staff, and faculty for projects that model environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable practices in the campus community.

Thanks to our many other supporters, including Edmonds College Foundation, Verdant Health Commission, Edmonds College Office of Equity and Inclusion, Lynnwood Food Bank, Edmonds Food Bank, Molina Healthcare, Garneau-Nicon Foundation, GloryLand Food Distribution, Just Like Home Laundromat, Local Union 4254, City of Lynnwood,  Chef Dane, SSEH Grant, Farmer Frog, EC Merchant's of Hope Club, Nourishing Network, Edmonds College students, faculty, and staff, and many others. 

Food Pantry Services Satisfaction Survey

The purpose of this survey is to get a better understanding of how the visitors at the Edmonds College Food Pantry feel about the services the pantry provides. We will use this information to better serve our students and campus population. Your survey answers will be kept confidential.

Take the survey