What Participants Say About TRIO
"TRIO is my college life line. Always answer my questions, or finds someone who will. From counseling to tutoring to computer access, they have helped me manage demanding studies and a demanding life."
"I have gotten so much positive support. Even with "simple" things like registering for classes! Tutors are wonderful! I feel happy simply to be in this positive, supportive environment."
"They are most helpful when a person is unsure of what course to take academically for college. Plus it's nice to have encouragement to keep going."
"TRIO is a very helpful service and they help you with planning your educational goals. They also help you in your personal life when you need it."
"I use TRIO almost everyday because I know I will get the support I need and help and most important improve growth."
"TRIO is a great program. They help me in many ways. I can come to them for tutoring and just talk to them about classes and/or personal issues."
"They are willing to work with students openly. They are friendly towards everyone and will treat you with respect."
"They have helped me so much. I would not have made it this far. I would have been terminated by now."
"The sense of community and extra support has been invaluable"
"It is great to have people who know what I need to know, sometimes I don't even know what questions to ask to whom, but the staff at TRIO always knows where to go for answers."
"I would definitely recommend TRIO to other students, because I believe that this program offers students a support system where they can feel as though they are not alone in their educational process."
"They are helpful and they offer free tutoring and a nurturing environment."