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Student Employees

Student employees are hired through the Career Action Center, or by student contact with individual departments. Student employees are defined as those employees who are taking 6 or more credits at Edmonds College.

Students hired for employment must visit Human Resources within 3 days of being hired in order to complete federally required paperwork. The student must present appropriate documentation during this visit. Please print out the confirmation of completion of new hire paperwork which lists the acceptable documents (NOTE: there are separate requirements for International students. Please see International Student Employees section).  Once the paperwork has been completed, HR will sign off on this form and the student returns the form to their supervisor confirming that they are now eligible to work.

General Information

In accordance with WAC 357-04-040 student employees are exempt from Civil Service rules.

Payroll Calendar

We have four types of student employees:

  1. Institutional (AM-0005)
  2. International (AM-0009)
  3. Federal Work-Study (AP-0101)
  4. State Work-Study (AP-0303)

Maximum Work Hours

The maximum work hours for students employed on campus should be no more than 19 hours per week while classes are in session. Student employees may work up to 8 hours per day, or 40 hours per week during breaks between quarters.

In some instances, student employees may work up to 40 hours per week for an entire quarter. We call this their 'quarter long break'. Requirements are that they must have had 3 previous consecutive quarters in which they were taking at least 6 credits AND they need to be registered for at least 6 credits for the quarter following their 'break' quarter.

International Student Employees

F-1 Visa students need special authorization to work on campus. Please contact your OIP advisor if you have questions about on-campus employment, or if you have been offered an on-campus job. To be in good standing, International students must be full-time, carrying 12 or more credits, and maintain a GPA of 2.0 or above. Students who fail to meet these requirements, and are on probation, will be suspended from on-campus employment.

International student employees need to be approved by OIP before they can be processed by HR. International students should not begin working until approved by OIP and HR.

F-1 Visa students should bring the following documents with them to HR in order to complete the new hire paperwork:

  • Passport
  • I-94
  • I-20

CWU International Student Employees

International students that are attending CWU are allowed to work on our campus. They must complete a new International PAF each quarter. However, these are not approved by ISS. They can be sent directly to HR and approval from CWU will be obtained by HR staff. CWU International students should not begin working until approved by HR.

Work-Study Students

Work-study student employees are limited to their work-study award, and to the 19 hours per week limitation. Work-study employment must be terminated when the student is no longer eligible to participate in the work-study (AP) program, or their award runs out. Supervisors may continue to employ the students as a regular (AM) student employee at their discretion.

There are different pay rates depending on what type of a work-study award the department and/or student has been granted. Please see the pay guideline links below.

Pay Guidelines

Effective January 1, 2021, the Washington State Minimum Wage is $16.66.  See links below for more information.

Hourly/Student Pay Rate Schedule

General Information for Hourly/Student Employment

State Work-Study (SWS/AP-0303)

Washington State Department of Labor and Industries Information