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Filing a Complaint

Who can file a complaint?

Any person who has witnessed or experienced gender-discrimination, sexual harassment, or sex violence can file a complaint. Edmonds College takes every report seriously, investigates the complaint, and works to protect the complainant and quickly find resolution.

How to file a complaint.

There are several ways to file a complaint depending on the agency to which you would like to submit the report. Often, the differing agencies will cooperatively work to investigate and resolve the situation.

Contact one or more of the following with your complaint:

Edmonds College

Kathy Smith
Title IX Coordinator/Investigator
425.640.1814- Clearview 122B

You may also complete our online Incident Report Form, which the Title IX Investigator and Coordinator will review immediately.

Lynnwood Police Department
   19321 44th Avenue West
   Lynnwood, WA 98036
   425.744.6900 | EMERGENCY: dial 911

Edmonds Police Department
   250 5th Avenue North
   Edmonds, WA 98020
   425.771.0200 | EMERGENCY: dial 911

Snohomish County Sheriff's Office
   3000 Rockefeller Ave., MS 606
   Everett, WA 98201
   425.388.3393 | EMERGENCY: dial 911

Office of Civil Rights, Seattle Office
   810 3rd Avenue, Suite 750
   Seattle, WA 98104
   206.684.4500 | ocr@ed.gov 

What happens after you file a complaint?

An investigation plan is put into immediate action once you file a complaint, which may or may not include the following:

  • Interview with the complainant / reporter
  • Interview with the witness(es)
  • Interview with the respondent / perpetrator
  • Review of the findings
  • Possible hearing
  • Reported resolution

Privacy and Confidentiality

Protection and Privacy

Edmonds College and the Title IX investigation team work to ensure your privacy and confidentiality are maintained as governed by the law.

Title IX law states that the college is to take immediate action when a complaint is made into both investigation of the case as well as to protect the complainant. Edmonds College and the Title IX team will meet with each individual to determine necessary protective steps needed.

Common fears when reporting

Remaining anonymous

It can often feel uncomfortable to submit your name on a report or filed complaint. Edmonds College works to maintain confidentiality and privacy in all Title IX reports and to protect the complainant and/or reporter. Although there are degrees in which Edmonds College can maintain the anonymity of one's name, it is important to provide contact information when reporting so that an immediate and thorough investigation of the incident may occur.

Unsure that resolution will take place

It is common to fear filing a complaint because of the concern that no action or resolution will take place. However, the law requires the college to take immediate action and see the case through to resolution.

Safety for attending class, program activity, or scheduled work

When reporting a Title IX incident fear of returning to the location or seeing the perpetrator again can cause fear and anxiety. It is the law and commitment of the college to create a safe environment, and to take necessary actions in order to ensure that each person has access to education and the workplace.


It is not unusual to wonder what actions the perpetrator may take once they have learned a complaint has been filed against them. According to Title IX law, it is illegal for a person to retaliate in any form due to a reported and filed complaint. If retaliation takes place, it is the college's responsibility to take immediate action to stop the action(s).

If you see something, say something!

Suzanne Moreau
Title IX Coordinator, 425.640.1647

Report an incident of concern online.

Incident Report Form

The Title IX Investigator and Coordinator will review this immediately.