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When you drop a class, you may be eligible for a full or partial refund of the tuition for that class. To receive a refund of tuition, you must officially withdraw from the class in line with the deadlines below.

Registration forms for this purpose are available online and in the Enrollment Services Office. Students withdrawing from all classes must also withdraw from the ORCA Bus Pass, if they signed up for it, before a refund will be processed. Please contact the EdPass Office to request a refund for your ORCA Bus Pass.

Full refunds are always given for cancelled classes.


For state support classes

That begin the first week of the quarter:

Spring 2025
  • Apr. 11 last day for a 100% refund
  • Apr. 26 last day for a 50% refund

That start after the first five days of the quarter:

  • 100% refund before the class begins
  • 50% refund during the first 20% of the class meeting times, but not after the 20th calendar day of the quarter

For self-support classes

That meet in person, and are identified as self-support:

  • 100% refund through the first day of class

That meet online, and are identified as self-support:

  • 100% refund on or before the first day of the quarter only

No Refunds Are Given Under the Following Conditions

  • After the first 20 calendar days of the quarter
  • For community education seminars
  • For students withdrawing beyond the stated withdrawal dates listed above

Unusual or Extenuating Circumstances

Students who experience extenuating circumstances, beyond their control, that prevent them from completing the quarter may be eligible for a withdrawal and a 100% refund of tuition and fees paid. Withdrawal and refunds under this condition usually require a complete withdrawal from all classes. To qualify, students must do the following:

  • Provide a letter requesting the withdrawal and a brief explanation of the circumstances under which they are unable to complete the quarter.
  • Obtain documentation to verify the circumstances. Documentation may include a letter from a health care provider, legal documents, etc.
  • Submit the letter and documentation to the Enrollment Services Office for review.
  • For more information, please see the Medical Withdrawal Process or the Medical Withdrawal Q&A page.

Disbursement of Refunds

Refunds are made within 30 days of withdrawal, class cancellation, or approval of extenuating circumstances. Refunds are mailed to students who paid by cash or check, or returned to the credit card used to pay the tuition.

For students receiving financial aid: Refunds may be returned to the grant or loan programs as required by federal and state regulations. Students who complete less than 60% of the quarter may owe a repayment to the college and/or the grant programs that provided the funding.