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Eligibility Requirements

You must meet ALL of the eligibility requirements to be considered for Opportunity Grant funding at Edmonds College:

  • Have not been awarded all 45 credits of Opportunity Grant funding from another Washington state college
  • Are a Washington state resident according to RCW 28B.15.012
  • Are pursuing a certificate or degree in one of the approved programs offered by Opportunity Grant at Edmonds College
  • Are currently at or below the income guidelines listed below (200% below federal poverty line)
  • Complete the FAFSA or WASFA for the current academic year

2025 Income Level Guidelines

household members annual income
1 $31,300
2 $42,300
3 $53,300
4 $64,300
5 $75,300
6 $86,300
7 $97,300
8 $108,300

*Household size: all adults and dependents living with you that share expenses 

**For household units with more than eight members, add $5,500 for each additional member 

Source: Federal Register, January 2025, Federal Poverty Guidelines