About Journalism Department
Students who enroll in Journalism classes comprise the reporting staff of our award-winning
campus newspaper, The Triton Review.
The student editorial staff of The Triton Review works closely with the instructors of the Journalism courses, so that student reporters get a dual benefit: the courses introduce concepts and develop skills for reporting and writing, while students also gain real-world experience of working as an editorial team!
All of the Journalism courses meet a Humanities Distribution requirement for a transfer degree. They do not run in a consecutive sequence, so students may "sample" from those courses that fit their schedules.
Students may choose to take Intro to Journalism: Journ 125 or Feature Writing: Journ 135, which are 5 credit classes that meet daily. The prerequisite for these courses is placement into English 105 or completion of English 101 with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
Students may also choose to take variable credit Independent Study courses: Journ 115/116/117, for 1-2 credits, depending on work load, by making arrangements with individual instructors. The prerequisite for these courses is completion of 125 or 135, or instructor's permission.