Feb. 5: Late start. College opens 10 a.m. See details.

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Environmental Studies Course Descriptions

ENVS& 101: Introduction to Environmental Science w/Lab

Credits: 5.0

A combination of information from biology, chemistry, physics and geology that stresses a scientific approach towards understanding the nature and scope of current environmental issues. Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite:Placement in both ENGL99 and MATH 81 or MATH 87.

Course Level Objectives

  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of general scientific principles, with an emphasis on environmental science scientific principles.
  2. Clearly communicate the fundamental knowledge particular to environmental science with their peers using the appropriate vocabulary.
  3. Apply the concepts and information in environmental science to problems that affect their lives, in particular, and our society, in general.
  4. Demonstrate the use of mathematics appropriate to environmental science and perform calculations appropriate to the task.
  5. Make reliable measurements and perform analysis appropriate for environmental science.

ENVS 105: Weather w/Lab

Credits: 5.0

The earth's atmosphere including origin, composition and structure. Particular emphasis on weather observations, map discussions, and forecasting. Physical processes involved in weather systems including highs, lows, fronts, jet streams and storms. Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENGL& 101 and MATH 81 or 87.

Course Level Objectives

  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of general scientific principles, with an emphasis on meteorological scientific principles. These include the principles underlying the theories and processes underlying scientific discovery and the nature of scientific evidence upon which such contemporary scientific theories are based.
  2. Apply the concepts and information in meteorology to problems that affect their lives, in particular, and our society in general.
  3. Use mathematics appropriate to meteorology and perform calculations appropriate to the task.
  4. Clearly communicate the fundamental knowledge particular to meteorology with their peers using the appropriate vocabulary.
  5. Make reliable measurements and perform analysis appropriate for meteorologists, including weather forecasting.

ENVS 199: Special Project: Environmental Science

Credits: 5.0

Individual projects in Environmental Science.

Course Level Objectives

  1. Develop a project proposal, in conjunction with a faculty sponsor from the Natural Science and Mathematics Division, and successfully present it for approval at a meeting of the Science and Mathematics Division.
  2. Demonstrate that the special project deals with a topic directly or indirectly related to the natural sciences.
  3. Demonstrate that college level learning was required to complete the proposed project to the satisfaction of the faculty sponsor.

ENVS 299: Special Project: Environmental Science

Credits: 5.0

Individual projects in Environmental Science.

Course Level Objectives

  1. Develop a project proposal, in conjunction with a faculty sponsor from the Natural Science and Mathematics Division, and successfully present it for approval at a meeting of the Science and Mathematics Division.
  2. Demonstrate that the special project deals with a topic directly or indirectly related to the natural sciences.
  3. Demonstrate that college level learning was required to complete the proposed project to the satisfaction of the faculty sponsor.