Feb. 5: Late start. College opens 10 a.m. See details.

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Geography Course Descriptions

GEOG& 100: Introduction to Geography

Credits: 5.0

Introduction to natural and human regions around the world including the impact of post-industrial society in America, the rise of China as a rival superpower and the importance of "black gold" in the Persian Gulf. Prerequisite(s): Placement in ENGL 99.

Course Level Objectives

  1. Identify and locate physical features and define fundamental symbols when reading a map.
  2. Critically analyze the geographical aspects of the relationships between people and the natural environment.
  3. Identify, collect, and utilize data to investigate and analyze the issues and problems facing people, places and society in relationship to their geography.
  4. Demonstrate and define how these relationships and the natural resources have changed with space and over time in different regions of the world.
  5. Integrate, evaluate and communicate information from a variety of geographical sources.

GEOG 150: Introduction to Sustainable Development

Credits: 5.0

Introduction to issues in sustainability around the world within a geographic framework. This will involve examination of the development and spatial interactions of policy alternatives relating to the sustainability of resources, the environment, and society. Prerequisite(s): Placement in ENGL 99.

Course Level Objectives

  1. Define and communicate the concept of sustainability, including forms of practice, from a geographic perspective and how it applies to development.
  2. Explain and define how applications of sustainability at the personal and local level can enhance sustainable development at the global level.
  3. Compare and contrast the spatial inter-relationships between modern consumerism, resource depletion, population trends, and unsustainable development.
  4. Identify and locate regions where sustainable development is both occurring and where it is not.
  5. Analyze and explain how sustainable practices impact natural resources, agriculture, energy, transportation, housing, global trade, population trends and the environment from a geographic perspective.

GEOG& 207: Economic Geography

Credits: 5.0

Concepts and issues regarding the world's primary and emerging economic regions. Topics may include the impact of technology on future careers, the European Union's common currency, the rise of China as a possible superpower, the Persian Gulf's 'blackgold,' and other selected areas. Prerequisite(s): Placement in ENGL 99.

Course Level Objectives

  1. Apply various market theories to help explain the flow of international trade, capital, and technology through exchange rates as core elements of globalization.
  2. Describe the impact of macroeconomic policies on the performance of the agricultural, energy, precious metal and other primary commodity sectors of the economy.
  3. Analyze the European Economic Union, China, and Russia with special emphasis on monetary arrangements, economic history, natural resource endowments and ongoing economic challenges .
  4. Apply a broad range of principles and theories from the mixed disciplines of economics and geography to the changing nature of multinational corporations, employment, learning regions, tourism, and economic development.
  5. Describe causes of uneven development and current obstacles to modernization such as water access, climatic impacts, infrastructure, and other localized resources.