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Pharmacy Technician Program Approximate Costs*

(Revised Summer 2024)


Courses Credits Tuition/Fees Books Lab Fees
AHE110 Human Body 5 $721.80 $121.50 $0
AHE 115 Basic Life Support/CPR 1 $144.36 $0 $55.00
AHE 116 Intro to Health Care 4 $577.44 $162.00 $0
HCA 104 Medical Terminology 3 $433.08 $63.00 $0
Prerequisite Totals* 13 $1,876.68 $346.50 $55.00

Required Pharmacy Technician Classes

Courses Credits Tuition/Fees Books Lab Fees
AHE 170 Orientation to Pharmacy Practice 2 $288.72 $234.75 $31.55
AHE 171 Pharmacy Law/Ethics 2 $288.72 $100.00 $45.65
AHE 172 Pharmacy Terminology 3 $433.08 $116.25 $45.65
AHE 173 Applied Pharmacology 1 5 $721.80 $182.75 $120.00
AHE 174 Applied Pharmacology 2 5 $721.80 $162.46 $120.00
AHE 175 Pharmaceutical Calculations 3 $433.08 $150.00 $0
AHE 176 Prescription Processing 5 $721.80 $160.21 $120.00
AHE 177 Over the Counter Drugs 2 $288.72 $0 $45.65
AHE 178 Hospital Procedures 4 $577.44 $102.00 $120.00
AHE 191 Clinical Work Experience 8 $1,154.88 $74.00 $20.00
Pharmacy Technician Totals* 39 $5,630.04 $1,282.42 $668.50

Program Totals

Program Credits Tuition/Fees Books Lab Fees
Prerequisite Totals* 13 $1,876.68 $346.50 $55.00
Pharmacy Technician Totals* 39 $5,630.04 $1,282.42 $668.50
Program Totals** 52 $7,506.72 $1,628.92 $723.50

* Tuition and fees subject to change.

** Students can see current class fees listed here under quarterly class fees

***Approx. Cost of Books is at NEW rate cost.  See the bookstore website to find required course books for RENT or at USED and/or DIGITAL BOOK cost.