Stay Active, Stay Healthy
Whether you’re looking for lecture-based classes to fulfill your general elective requirements or activity-based classes to improve your health and fitness, the Physical Education Department has classes that will fit your needs.
The Physical Education Department offers fully transferable areas of study that can assist students wishing to explore careers and continued education in the fields of Physical Education, Personal Training, Exercise Science, Human Movement, Health and Wellness, Human Performance, Sports or Athletic Administration, or a related area.
Students from Edmonds College can use Physical Education credits and Health credits to transfer to the University of Washington, Western Washington University, Eastern Washington University, Central Washington University, University of Puget Sound, Seattle Pacific University, and Brigham Young University..
What We Offer
Channel your inner competitor with sports activity classes such as Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Karate, and Self-Defense.
Improve your overall fitness with Body Conditioning, CrossFitness, Jogging/Cardio Fitness, Yoga, and Pilates. A total of 3 credits of activity classes can transfer according to the DTA.
In addition to activity courses, we offer specified lecture-based curriculum courses, not limited to the 3-credit transfer regulation.
These General Electives include lecture based courses such as Introduction to Fitness Principles, Contemporary Health, Emergency Response/CPR, Sports Nutrition, and Nutrition and Life Fitness.
The Physical Education Department serves all students, staff and faculty.
Whether you are interested in a Physical Education major or just taking some exercise and wellness courses, please contact the department chair to learn more on how our courses could prepare you for your future career or assist you with your own health goals.
Are you an employee wishing to take a PE or Health Class?
- All full-time employees and half-time faculty at Edmonds College may enroll for regularly listed classes when space is available. The cost is a $25 quarterly registration charge, plus fees. Does not apply to self-support classes.
- Fill out the tuition waiver form
- After you complete the above form, please contact the instructor of the class you are looking to enroll in.
- Staff and Faculty lockers are available to check out on a quarterly basis.