Frequently Asked Questions
Enrollment, costs, class, and teacher information
If you are in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade—CHS is for you! Stay at your high school and earn credits toward your graduation requirements with an additional .5 semester credit for each college class AND earn college credits that transfer as General Education credits at nearly every public (and many private) two or four-year colleges/universities. You will save money: no transportation costs; no cost for books (often $150 per college course); lower future student loans because CHS credits transfer; and CHS tuition is free. CHS credits will be entered onto an official college transcript and your high school transcript will show that you have taken an academically rigorous college course—which may impress the Admissions Office of your preferred college!
Edmonds College's College in the High School Program is nationally accredited by the
National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships, one of only four colleges in Washington state.
- You will get a head start on college courses.
- You will accelerate your academic studies by earning college credit while attending high school without sacrificing your high school experience.
- You avoid duplicating classes thus shortening the time necessary to earn a college degree.
- By enrolling in a CHS class, you will complete both college and high school requirements (concurrent enrollment = dual credit).
- For every 5 college credits, you will earn an additional .5 semester credit on your high school transcript.
- You will develop study habits and critical thinking skills essential to college success.
- You will have the opportunity to experience college-level work in a familiar environment.
- CHS courses help you make a smooth transition from high school to college. Studies show that students who earn college credit while in high school are more inclined to be successful during their first year in college.
- You will register for CHS class(es) online and your approved CHS Associate Faculty member (high school teacher working with college faculty) will provide all registration material to you, eliminating the need for transportation to the college.
- The friendly CHS staff is available by phone or email to answer any questions you or your parents might have.
- In contrast to AP/IB courses, as a CHS student, when you earn a 2.0 (C) or higher, you can be assured of earning college credit. You won’t need to depend on a one-time standardized test. You will have many opportunities (homework, class participation, quizzes, projects, tests) to demonstrate that you know the class material upon which your grade is determined. Colleges have different ways of viewing AP test scores which may or may not be transcripted for credit. Some colleges only use AP scores for placement, not for credit.
- You (and your parents) will save money because CHS tuition is free and no additional textbooks or fees are required. This is a substantial savings compared to standard community college tuition/fees. Books often cost $150+ per class.
- CHS classes are offered on your high school’s academic schedule (semesters rather than the quarterly system at the college) so you will have more time to complete your college coursework and less interruption to your high school activities such as holidays/breaks, sports, assemblies, club and class office meetings, etc.
- You will reduce future student loans because CHS credits generally count toward General Education requirements, transferring to two and four-year colleges/universities. Additionally, these credits do not negatively impact future financial aid.
- You are considered an Edmonds College student so are eligible to use the library and other student services during the Winter and/or Spring Quarters you are enrolled.
- The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) ( has published several research studies regarding the benefits of College in the High School and similar concurrent (dual) enrollment programs.
Edmonds College is a member of NACEP, is committed to its national standards of excellence, and is in compliance with the Washington State Chapter 392-725 WAC “College in the High School Rules.”
I am grateful for the opportunity to take college classes at a reduced price.”
“It helped me transfer quicker to the college of my dreams. Instead of doing two-full years at Edmonds College, I only had to do one-full year because of the credits I had earned in the CHS program. Then I was on to a four-year university. I highly recommend CHS to high schoolers!”
“I hope this program continues to be one that students in high school can participate in for many years to come. It is something that I don’t take for granted because it helped me get ahead of the game with my education after high school.”
“I greatly appreciate the opportunity to receive college credit for calculus courses in high school. I believe expanding this program in terms of courses and students involved would be worthwhile and beneficial for the school district and students.”
“This was a great opportunity that helped me find what I wanted to do with my future and made me see higher goals could be achieved that I never thought about.”
If you are in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade and your high school teacher has been appointed CHS Associate Faculty (just ask), you can begin college now. Your teacher will advise you as to whether you are prepared to start a college program.
Your teacher may review your high school transcript or Smarter Balanced scores to be sure you have the background to successfully complete a CHS course. Or, you may be asked to take the Edmonds College Math Placement Exam (online options are available).
You will find lots of helpful test prep information; another resource specifically for math is
Some but not all CHS courses require a placement exam. Instructor permission, placement for success in the class, and completing any required course prerequisite can all be discussed with your teacher.
Experience suggests that if you have a minimum “B” grade point average and the motivation to work hard, you can succeed in CHS coursework. In addition to your Edmonds College transcript, your high school transcript will have a notation that you have taken a CHS course, illustrating to college/university Admissions Offices that you can do rigorous college coursework, and for every college class, you will be awarded an additional .5 semester credit on your high school transcript.
Edmonds College CHS courses are tuition free, and are a great opportunity for students to save money compared to normal Washington State resident community college tuition.
Edmonds College CHS students do not pay tuition for CHS classes. A 5 credit undergraduate class at the University of Washington is $1,799 plus books/transportation. Admission and the Edmonds College placement exam, if needed, are free. Note: should you need to retake the Edmonds College placement exam, there is a $25 retake fee.
You do not need to purchase books or arrange for transportation (no car/gas costs). Application, registration and payment deadlines are listed under the question, “How do you register for CHS classes?” Assistance is available by contacting the CHS Admin Team at
CHS classes are the same as classes offered on the main Edmonds College campus. Compared to high school classes, your CHS classes will go into greater depth, may require more work and offer greater challenge. You may have increased demands on your ability to conceptualize, understand hidden meanings and draw conclusions from reading and research. These are the same challenges that you will experience when enrolling at any college or university. You should be prepared for rigorous academic work. You could experience more rigorous grading standards than those to which you may be accustomed. Grading criteria will be the same as that main campus class.
High school teachers who meet Edmonds College’s hiring requirements for Associate Faculty teach the CHS courses. Edmonds College faculty serves as curriculum coordinators and liaisons who work closely with CHS Associate Faculty. CHS courses taught at high schools are the same as the courses taught on the Edmonds College campus. Course curriculum, assignments, exams and grading requirements are the same as at the college. You may be required to do additional work for the college credit vs the course for only high school credit. Once you have enrolled, your teacher will provide you with a CHS course syllabus that outlines course requirements and expectations.
Credits, Grading, FERPA and Finanical Aid
You will receive a CHS course syllabus that outlines the grading criteria, assignments and expectations to earn college credit. CHS courses have the same learning outcomes and assessment standards (how well you do on homework, projects, quizzes, tests, class participation) as the same class on the main campus. The credits and your decimal grade earned for a CHS course will be entered onto your Edmonds College transcript. Remember, these are concurrent or dual enrollment classes so you will also be earning high school credit. Your high school transcript will have a notation that you have taken a college class (and will include if it was AP, Honors, or IB) and will demonstrate to college/university Admissions Offices that you have done rigorous coursework.
It is important for you to understand that you are beginning a college transcript when you enroll in a CHS class. Your goal should be earning a minimum grade of 2.0 (C) in a CHS course.
Learn more about transcripts or email
As a high school student, you can earn college credit in a variety of ways. These include dual enrollment (meaning you are earning college credits that also meet your high school graduation requirements) programs: Running Start, Career and Technical Education, and College in the High School, as well as Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes that prepare you for specific standardized tests.
The Edmonds College Dean of Enrollment and Financial Aid Services provided the following
clarification about the impact of CHS credits on future financial aid eligibility:
Earning college credit while in high school has a negligible impact on a student’s
future financial aid eligibility, and does not affect the overall amount of funding
a student is eligible to receive. The confusion stems from federal and state requirements around Satisfactory Academic
Progress (SAP), which Financial Aid Offices must follow. SAP includes two conditions
that are often cited as barriers to future financial aid for high school students:
- Grade Point Average (GPA)
High school students must maintain a 2.0 GPA for the college credits they earn. - Maximum Time Frame: addresses the maximum number of credits a student may earn towards
completion of a college degree and still receive financial aid. There is a federal
and a state requirement. Each college or university determines how to handle the difference
in the two requirements.
- Federal Rule – Students are funded for up to 150% of the number of credits needed
to complete a degree
- Example: Johnny is at a university completing a degree that requires 180 quarter credits. Johnny may receive federal aid until he earns 270 quarter credits (180 x 150%). This allows for an “extra” 90 quarter credits before reaching the limitation for federal financial aiD
- State Rule – Students are funded for up to 125% of the number of credits needed to
complete a degree.
- Example: Example: Johnny is at a university completing a degree that requires 180 quarter credits. Johnny may receive state aid until he earns 225 quarter credits (180 x 125%). This allows for an “extra” 45 quarter credits before reaching the limitation for state financial aid.
- Federal Rule – Students are funded for up to 150% of the number of credits needed
to complete a degree
Eligibility and Maximum Time Frame
Financial Aid Offices must count all earned and attempted college credits on a student’s
transcript when determining the amount credits a student is funded for, even if the
student did not receive financial aid. Most colleges and universities work closely
with students to ensure they have the funding needed to complete their degree programs.
Additionally, the examples above show that students may go well beyond actual degree requirements and still receive funding. This allows for high school students to take additional preparatory course work or explore college offerings that benefit them once they graduate from high school and move on to a college or university.
Eligibility and Grade Point Average (GPA): What is more likely to impact a high school student’s eligibility for aid is the college transcript GPA. Students with a college transcript showing below a 2.0 GPA may not be eligible for financial aid at the college or university they wish to attend. Most Financial Aid Offices work with students in this situation but each college or university may handle it differently. Students are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office of the school they wish to attend to determine if a low GPA affects their eligibility to receive financial aid and what steps a student must take to regain eligibility.
Benefits of Earning College Credit: It is to a high school student’s advantage to earn credits that apply to a future university or college degree as this reduces the cost of paying for college; potentially decreases student loan debt; and reduces the amount of time after high school a student must attend a college/ university.
Another benefit is the saving of federal Pell Grant eligibility. There are lifetime limits to the amount of Pell Grant a student receives. By earning college credit in high school, students gain some flexibility in preserving Pell Grant eligibility if they later decide to change degree programs or need to use the Pell Grant to pay for prerequisite coursework. Every college credit earned that does not use the federal Pell Grant preserves future eligibility.
- Summary
The impact of earning college credit while in high school has a negligible impact on your future financial aid eligibility.-
- The overall amount of financial aid you may receive is not impacted at all and may actually be preserved.
- There is room in the Maximum Funding of Credit rules for you to earn credits that go beyond college degree requirements.
- A below 2.0 GPA on a college transcript may affect your future financial aid eligibility—do well in CHS courses!
- As a high school student, there are many benefits from earning college credits in
high school.
- Decreased college tuition costs.
- Reduced student loan debt.
- Decreased time spent at a college or university after high school.
- Opportunity to take college preparatory courses, improving overall success.
- Pell Grant eligibility is preserved for students earning college credit in high school.
- Important notes for you regarding future attendance at Edmonds College or transferring
to another university or college:
- It is important for you to carefully plan the degree to avoid taking unnecessary or incorrect classes, especially if the plan is to transfer the credits.
- Consultation with the appropriate department or an Edmonds College advisor or the intended transfer school is highly recommended.
- For very specialized fields of study, such as STEM, consultation with a science faculty advisor and the appropriate department at the four-year transfer institution regarding course selection and completion of degree requirements is also highly recommended.
Also see
When you complete a CHS course, the college credits are entered on an official Edmonds College transcript in exactly the same manner as if you completed the course on the main campus. There is no indication on the transcript where the courses were completed; only the year, quarter, title, course number, and decimal grade earned are listed.
All public colleges and universities in Washington State accept CHS credit. As long as you earn 2.0 or higher, your CHS class credit will be accepted by all public colleges/universities in Washington State. Since concurrent/dual enrollment programs like CHS are in nearly every state, there is a high probability that the credits will be accepted outside of our state. It is always advisable to check with the college/university you hope to attend prior to enrolling in an Edmonds College CHS class.
To transfer credits earned at Edmonds College, you will need to order an OFFICIAL transcript and follow the Transcript Evaluation process of the college you are planning to attend. Depending on the institution and the program you are pursuing, CHS credits are often transferred to meet General Education requirements or as departmental general electives.
NOTE: If you earn at least 1.0 in the Edmonds College’s CHS course, the credits will be
accepted by Edmonds College and will be counted in your Edmonds College GPA. For transfer
of credits to four-year colleges/universities, it is standard practice for ALL (not
just CHS) students to earn a minimum of 2.0 for the credits to transfer. Earning less
than a 2.0 will mean the credits will not be accepted and you will need to repeat
the class. Transferred credits do not count toward the GPA of your future two or four-year
If you enroll in the CHS program then decide to take an AP exam, colleges typically
accept the credits but will then not give credit for the AP score. Scores and how
they are treated vary from one college/university to another; sometimes no credit
is awarded and the score is only used for placement. It would not be necessary for
you to take the AP exam if you earn 2.0 or higher in the CHS course---you have earned
transferable college credit. Consider checking with your desired college/university
Admissions Office or their academic department if you have determined a major field
of study.
A very useful tool to determine the most common CHS courses and how they transfer to other colleges is the Transfer Equivalency Guide. You can also go to the website of your preferred college/university and it will have a very similar transfer guide.
Unless you complete a two-year degree at Edmonds College, you will be considered a freshman at your desired college/university even if you are transferring in college credit.
Some discipline specific information
To meet the University of Washington’s Precalculus requirement, you must earn a minimum
2.0 grade from both CHS MATH& 141 and 142 (this is the case for all community college
students who transfer to UW).
When you successfully complete one 5 credit CHS History class, you will generally meet the 5 credit General Education requirement of most college/university programs. If you register in an additional CHS History classes, those credits may be transferred as elective credits (assuming your program has elective options) even if you are not a History major. These are very inexpensive elective credits—usually costing you less than the cost of textbooks for a class.
If you earn World (or Foreign) Language credits, those credits are typically first applied toward any Humanities requirements in the degree you are seeking. They could also be applied toward specified and/or general electives, depending on your specific program. If you are planning to eventually apply to a four-year college/university, some will require 2-3 years of the same foreign language in high school or 2-3 college quarters (1 quarter = 2 semesters for CHS World Language classes). These can be an admission requirement and/or a university graduation requirement. Typically, only through the 2nd year is for admission but through the 3rd year could be required to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. Check with your preferred college/university as to requirements for specific major areas of study.
You may also email questions to:
To transfer Edmonds College credits earned through CHS to another college/university, you will need to follow the process of that institution; sometimes called a “Transcript Evaluation” or “Request for Transcript Evaluation.” All college/universities outline this process on their website.
You will need to ask Edmonds College to send the college/university an official transcript. It can be ordered online and has a nominal fee. Go to the transcripts page and follow the steps. The official transcript will be sent directly to the college/university you have identified.
You can also download a free unofficial transcript. It can be ordered from the website above. Unofficial transcripts are essentially a record of classes/credits/grades you have earned and are primarily used for advising purposes. Always obtain an official transcript if you want to formally have your credits transferred.
If you do not remember your Student ID (student identification) number, you may contact Edmonds College’s Enrollment Services Department 425.640.1000 or This college department has a specific protocol for releasing the information.
NOTE: If you earn at least 1.0 in the Edmonds College’s CHS course, the credits will be accepted by Edmonds College and will be counted in your Edmonds College GPA. For transfer of credits to four-year colleges/universities, it is standard practice for ALL (not just CHS) students to earn a minimum grade of 2.0 for another institution to accept transfer credits. Less than a 2.0 will mean the credits will not be accepted and you will need to repeat the class. Transferred credits do not count toward the GPA of your future college/university.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds from the U.S. Department of Education.
Within FERPA guidelines, the CHS Office may share your student information with appropriate staff of Bellevue, Edmonds, Lake Stevens, Northshore, Snohomish, or Seattle School Districts. This could be your CHS Associate Faculty (high school teacher), designated high school counselors and registrars. What could be given to them are: CHS rosters of enrolled students with Edmonds College Student ID number, CHS course names/numbers, grades and college credits earned. Additionally, if tuition is paid through a scholarship, your name and college ID will be in the invoice.
FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to you when you reach the age of 18 or attend a school beyond the high school level. This means that when you enroll in CHS, you are the only person with rights to your college records. Your parent(s) does not have rights to your college records because the rights have transferred to you. Therefore, college staff are not permitted to disclose or discuss your student records with anyone other than you. When inquiring about student records, you must make the inquiry.
CHS Associate Faculty and other college personnel will not talk with your parent or legal guardian without your permission or you being at the meeting. Any academic conversation is between the administrator/faculty member and you. Ideally, your parent’s role is to listen, give moral support and summarize information and agreements if needed. With parental help, you can move from expecting parents to take care of issues and become comfortable as your own self-advocate.
You have the option of granting others (generally parents or legal guardians) access to your college records and grant college personnel the permission to discuss your academic progress. See the Enrollment Services website for more information about your rights and the “FERPA-Release of Records, Student Form.”
College students are expected to reach out to their teacher if they don’t understand content or expectations. That means that as a CHS student, you should discuss any concerns with your CHS Associate Faculty (high school teacher).
CHS enrollment means that you may take advantage of services offered by Edmonds College.
Other Important Information
College in High School (CHS) offers specific college classes through your high school. Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) are programs that are preparatory for standardized exams. College credit is not awarded for the high school AP or IB class. However, depending on the score you earn on the AP or IB exam, college credit might be awarded.
You are encouraged to check with your desired college/university regarding that institution’s admissions policy regarding AP, CHS or IB.
CHS classes are actual credit-bearing college courses, meaning you can earn college credit by successfully completing the course. They are taught through your high school by your high school teachers using college curriculum. These teachers have applied to Edmonds College and been appointed Associate Faculty by the specific academic department and the college. You remain enrolled at your high school while completing college coursework and fulfilling high school graduation requirements at the same time.
You earn college credit by passing the course and paying reduced tuition for the credits. Grades are recorded on a permanent college transcript. You are assured of earning college credit as long as you successfully meet the course requirements, generally earning a 2.0/C grade or higher. Your CHS Associate Faculty will provide you with a CHS class syllabus that outlines class expectations and how your grade will be determined.
Your CHS grade is based on the work you do throughout the course, not just one high-stakes exam at the end. More than 95% of the students who take a course through Edmonds College’s CHS program earn college credit.
AP and IB are college-level courses that prepare students to take the corresponding AP/IB exam. The score on the exam may allow students to earn college credits or may just be used for placement into a college course (without credits awarded).
It is possible to be enrolled in a high school AP (Honors or IB) class and still enroll for college credit through CHS. Remember there is no college credit for the AP or IB class. College credit can only be earned by registering in the CHS program. CHS registration means you are beginning a college transcript. When you enroll, your high school transcript will reflect the college course title and course number as well as the AP or IB course title. Therefore, you show the Admission Offices of colleges/universities to which you apply that you have completed rigorous college course work and earned the college credit.
An advantage of CHS over AP/IB is that as a CHS student, you can be assured of earning college credit assuming that you earn a minimum grade of 2.0 (C) rather than relying on a test score that may or may not be transcripted for credit; some colleges use AP/IB scores for placement, not for credit. In the CHS program, you demonstrate learning over the semester (or two semesters for year-long courses) and have more contact time with your CHS instructor than on the typical college quarter system (or through a program such as Running Start which is also on the college quarter system).
Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes are classes taught at the high school by high school teachers using a nationally or internationally recognized curriculum that is structured to prepare students for a one-time standardized test.
NOTE: IB students have specific graduation requirements and must have the IB (I) designation on their high school transcript to graduate using the IB exemptions. It is extremely important for full IB students to check with their high school counselor or IB coordinator prior to registering for any non-IB classes.
However, the WAC 392-725-235 permits you to take AP/IB and CHS courses at the same time. This is called “co-delivery of CHS courses” and will show all designations on the high school transcript. You do not need to select a specific program but you will need to register for CHS and pay the partial tuition.
Upon completion of the AP/IB course, students typically take a standardized AP/IB exam. Scores from these exams are considered by colleges for varying amounts of college credit. Students do not earn college credit by successfully completing the AP/IB course(s). College credit is determined by the student’s scores on the AP/IB exam and how individual colleges treat these scores. Each college or university determines the number of credit hours awarded for the AP/IB exams and which scores qualify for college credit.
Find out more about how Edmonds College applies AP and IB exam scores. All colleges and universities will have policies related to AP/IB exams posted on their websites. Credits earned through the evaluation of AP/IB scores do not count toward the college’s residency credit requirement.
You should check with the colleges/universities to which you plan to apply. Ask about their admissions policy concerning Advanced Placement, College in the High School and International Baccalaureate classes. Each college and university treats these options somewhat differently.
For example, the University of Washington does not weigh Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes over College in the High School (CHS). They use a holistic review process with no points or scores. The programs are viewed equally as rigorous college or college-level courses. For admission, there is no admission’s advantage for you to choose one program over another. Your high school transcript will show that you have completed a college course if you enroll in CHS.
In comparison, the University of Puget Sound may grant lower division credit for AP/IB exam scores but takes a more restricted practice relating to CHS credit. They will only accept college credits earned in regularly scheduled classes taught on a college campus. Their policy is that for a college course to be a college course, no more than one-third of the students should be high school students.
Dual or Concurrent Enrollment programs are national programs. Washington State uses the term, “College in the High School.” It is very likely that public colleges/universities across the country will accept CHS credits because they are documented on an Edmonds College transcript. Again, you are encouraged to check with the college/university to which you plan to apply for specific policies.
For more information about Dual-Credit program comparisons, see the Washington Student Achievement Council website “Earn College Credit in High School”.
Your high school teacher will give you the most current information regarding completing the Edmonds College Admission (to get your ctcLink ID) and class registration.
You will receive a letter from the CHS Office which will include when grades will be available from the Edmonds College website, instructions about how to getyour Edmonds College transcript, FERPA rules, deadline for withdrawing from the class without a transcript entry and other appropriate information general provided to Edmonds College students.
If you do not remember your Student ID, contact with your legal name, birth date, high school and year of high school graduation.
College in the High School – You have the opportunity to earn college credit while remaining enrolled at your
high school. Stay involved in your favorite school activities (clubs, sports). Earn
credits that will count toward BOTH your high school graduation requirements as well
as transfer to future two or four-year colleges. You will have more time to learn
the college material (semesters rather than college quarters). By completing college
degree requirements now, you will reduce potential future student loans. You will
save more money because you don’t need to buy books (often $150+ per college course)
or have the cost of transportation (car/gas). As an Edmonds College CHS student, you
will have access to all college resources (advising, tutoring, library). CHS Associate
Faculty (your approved high school teachers) partners with Edmonds College faculty
members to ensure that the classes offered through CHS are the same as the classes
taught on the college campus. If you are in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grades, be the
first in your family to begin college or carry on your family tradition as a college
graduate. Start college now--get your degree sooner and at lower cost!
Running Start – a statewide program that allows high school juniors/seniors to take college-level
courses without paying tuition. Students receive both high school and college credits
for classes completed at the college level.
Career Technical Education (CTE - formerly Tech Prep) – a dual enrollment program that provides high school students with opportunities to earn college credit in their high school career and technical education classes without leaving their high school campus. CTE is a great way for high school students to jump start a college career and technical education certificate or degree. There is no tuition and only a $50 annual fee for participating in the program. Credits are available in classes such as health care, business, computers, culinary arts, horticulture, engineering technology, and visual communications.
Contact: |
Also see the Washington Student Achievement Council website “Earn College Credit in High School”
Accommodations for CHS classes are approved by Services for Students with Disabilites (SSD), please visit their website for more details.