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Social and Human Services - Reentry Navigator Certificate of Completion


This short certificate provides the skills needed to support, inform, and mentor clients who are currently or previously justice-involved (people who have or have had interactions with courts, prisons or jails. This can include involvement such as drug courts, child protection cases, probation or being a family member of a person interacting with these systems.). The certificate is primarily designed for those who already have an associate’s degree or higher, with coursework which includes human services delivery. Additional options are available to complete work concurrently as the certificate can be part of a larger degree in human services.


This program map is designed to allow you to complete your program fully online. Options for partial online attendance are also available.

Order of Courses

The courses are ordered in a suggested course sequence. Many courses can be taken at different times; however some may require completion or concurrent enrollment in prerequisite courses. Please speak to your advisor if you need to change the order in which you take the courses..

Time to Complete

The Reentry Navigator certificate requires completion of nineteen college-level credits. Full-time students typically take 15 credits per quarter and complete the certificate in four quarters; Part-time students, students who need to complete pre-college level courses, prerequisites, or students who take time off may take longer to satisfy all certificate requirements. This certificate is designed to be completed on a part-time basis.


Program Requirement Sheet

Certificate Pathway

This is a suggested certificate pathway, a sequence of courses to earn the degree completely online. Please connect with an advisor to customize your program to meet your needs.

icon winter - Fall   Icon winter - Winter   Icon spring - Spring   Icon summer - Summer

Fall Quarter Start

Winter Quarter Start

Program Advisor:

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