Contact Academic Advising
Meeting with an academic advisor on a regular basis is the best way to make sure you stay on track with your academic goals at Edmonds College. If you are trying to decide what classes to take, thinking about changing programs, or just needs a little guidance, please contact us. We're always happy to chat with you - whether virtually or face-to-face!
Phone: 425.640.1458 (Voicemail: this allows us to call you back with a detailed response.)
Office Location: Lynnwood Hall, First Floor
Winter Quarter Hours
January 13 - March 28
Advising Resource Center Lobby (Lynnwood Hall):
Booking/checking in for advising, computer assistance, registration help (once you
have planned your classes), general questions, referrals, resource navigation
Mon.-Thurs. : 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Fri.: 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Online Drop-In Advising (Zoom):
General questions or meet with an advisor - first come, first served basis.
Mon., Wed., Fri: 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Tues. & Thurs.: 1-4:30 p.m.
Spring Registration Advising Sessions: In-person Drop-ins
Join us on the following Wednesdays for any advising assistance you may need to prepare
for the spring quarter. We will be utilizing these sessions to help new, current,
and returning students confirm their program of study, navigate English and math placement
options or review prior credit for placement, create spring quarter schedules, and
assist with registration. Drop-ins are open to join at any point during the listed
hours, and will include personalized assistance, held in a group computer lab setting.
Sessions in Alderwood Hall Room 102:
March 5 - 3-4:30 p.m.
March 19 - 1:30-4:30 p.m.
March 26 - 1:30-4:30 p.m.
April 2 - 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Appointments (In-person or virtual: See booking details for location and modality)
Schedule an appointment with your advisor by viewing our calendar booking page below.
Appointments are available to book up to seven days in advance. If you need to cancel
or reschedule your appointment, please modify your appointment inside your confirmation
email, or contact our office so that we may process this change for you.
Academic Advising Staff
Career and Academic Advisors
Advising Resource Center
Peyton Acree: AS-T Tracks 1 & 2 (Engineering & Chemical, Geological and Environmental Science)
They/She | | Book an Appointment
Lung Le: Pre-nursing and Biology DTA (Biological and Healthcare Sciences)
She/Her | | Book an Appointment
Wessel Pieters: CS DTA and CS AS-T (Computer Science for Transfer), Worker Retraining Advisor
He/Him | | Book an Appointment
Kailen Richmond: AA-DTA and Undecided (Transfer Degrees and Exploratory Programs)
She/Her | | Book an Appointment
Oscar Muñoz: AA-DTA and Undecided (Transfer and Exploratory Programs)
He/Him | | Book an Appointment
Trieu Doan: Business DTA (Business, Management, and Accounting for Transfer)
She/Her | | Book an Appointment
Division Advisors
Business Division
Wendy Crozier: Business Programs (Accounting, Business Information Technology, Computer Information Systems, Construction Mgmt., Event Planning, Hospitality & Tourism, Business Mgmt.)
She/Her | | Book an Appointment
Health and Human Services (HHS)
Rhian Lindhjem: Health and Human Services: Addiction Studies, Paralegal, Social and Human Services, Family Support Studies, Allied Health Education
She/Her I | Book an Appointment
Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)
Dani Cea: HSS Programs, AA-DTA, Music DTA (Humanities and Social Sciences for Transfer, Visual Communications, Music, Art, and Language)
She/Her | | Book an Appointment
Director of Academic Advising
Lauren Hajec | She/Her |
Assistant Director of Academic Advising
Brittany Harper | She/Her |