EdPass/ORCA Card Frequently Asked Questions
To ride Community Transit buses, you now need an EdPass/ORCA card (college I.D. plus bus pass).
Do I really need to get the EdPass/ORCA card?
No, it is not required, but recommended. Parking is limited on campus as well if more of our staff/students use the bus it will reduce our campus carbon footprint. You will need to register for the ORCC900 class, pay your class fees and get a new EdPass/ORCA card from the EdPass Office.
When will I be able to get my EdPass/ORCA card?
New Student EdPass cards and EdPass/ORCA cards can only be made starting 1 week before classes start or 24 hours after you have registered and paid for your classes. ORCA card will only activate for use on the first day of classes and are valid till the first day of the next quarter.
Can I just register for the “ORCC” class?
No, you need to register for at least one other class.
Do I need anything with me to get my new EdPass/ORCA card at the EdPass Office?
If you have a current EdPass, bring it with you. If you do not have a current EdPass, bring valid Photo I.D. with you.
Is the $10 card fee refundable?
Is the quarterly bus fee of $26 refundable?
The full amount may be refunded the same as tuition and fees during the 100% refund period by registration/cashiering. After that time a request can be made for the refund, if the card has not been used. Please fill out the online refund application.
How do I use the EdPass/ORCA card?
You must tap the ORCA card to ride (scan the card at the ORCA card reader upon entering the bus or before boarding Swift buses). If the card is not tapped, the fare has not been paid.
What happens if I lose my EdPass/ORCA card?
Contact the EdPass office right away (phone: 425.640.1143) (email: EdPass@edmonds.edu) so a hold can be put on the card till it’s found or replaced. Found EdPass Cards are turned into the EdPass office. We will send you an email that your ID has been found unless a replacement has already been made. Personal contact information is never given out, all found EdPass cards are requested to be returned to campus and then we will contact the student to pick up the card at the card office. You can get a replacement card at the EdPass Office; there is $30 nonrefundable replacement fee.
Will there be any time during the quarter my EdPass/ORCA card will be shut down?
Your EdPass/ORCA card can be deactivated if you drop your classes or are dropped from your classes for any reason. Your card will also deactivate if you do not register and pay for the new quarters bus pass. If the card is deactivated it could take up to 3 business days for all the busses to reactivate. If your card deactivates please contact the EdPass Office (phone 425.640.1143) (email: EdPass@edmonds.edu) please include your student ID number and ORCA number that is located on the back of the ORCA card just above the magnetic strip. For more Information: Community Transit’s ORCA system.
When is my tuition and fees considered paid?
Tuition and fees are considered paid when paid via cash, check, credit card, financial aid, financial aid delay of payment, cashier delay of payment, student payment plan, agency voucher and EdCAP.
Is my EdPass/ORCA card good on all buses?
The College Bus Pass is good on Community Transit Busses only. The EdPass/ORCA card can be used on other busses where ORCA is available BUT additional funds needs to be added to the ePurse associated with your new ORCA/EdPass and can only be used to pay an adult full fair. Contact the EdPass Office for more information at 425.640.1143 or email EdPass@edmonds.edu.