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Community Education


Where life and learning meet.

Community Education is all about learning! We're here to help you explore a new hobby, find your next passion project, or refine your career skills in a fun and supportive environment. Our classes are designed for the casual learner, so there are no tests, no grades, and no credits.

See Spring 2025 BROCHURE

Check out online or on-campus classes in the arts, food and wine appreciation, language, writing, music, career and technology, job skill certificate programs and more! No previous experience or application is required and classes run throughout the quarter.

Class Categories



Student Testimonials

"For a beginner's class, John made everyone feel welcome and valued. He knows how to listen and respond with stories rather than just flat answers. It's a podcast class, so stories are the main feature!"

- Dorrinda, Podcasting 101

"Mary had so much patience with all of us, and always made sure we all got what we were doing. THANK YOU!"

- Sue, Excel I: Excel in Your World! The Exploration of Spreadsheets

"Jeffrey was a wonderful instructor (and an even better DM ha ha). Highly recommend bringing him back for more opportunity for other community members to partake in the class."

-Alexandra, RPG 101-Learn to Play Dungeons & Dragons

"G.G. was great. Very easy going and supportive, positive. It was satisfying to know I could complete certain writing exercises, something I had never tried before. I was out of my comfort zone with the assignments, but I feel that I grew because of it."

Michael, The Writer's Tinderbox: Making Sparks Fly on the Page

"Monica does a good job presenting the material and nudging us to speak and converse. She's engaging, personable, and a great instructor. Monica has a solid command of the language and understands the challenges of learning a new language. I couldn't ask for a better instructor."

Robert, Spanish: Advanced

"John always makes it fun and makes it work with whoever shows up. But this quarter, lots of really good players showed up, and we played some great tunes that showcased them. Very fun concert.

Jim, Edmonds College Jazz & Salsa Band

"Sarah was an excellent instructor and provided some great information on steps one can take to start a small greeting card business. She is enthusiastic and encouraging. Highly recommend this class if something like this is your passion!"

Joni, From Passion to Profit: Selling Your Greeting Cards

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