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Accepted English Proficiency and math Scores

If you don't have an accepted English proficiency score, you can take a free English placement test after you apply. Students can also apply to our new English Language Institute opening Fall 2024!

All English Proficiency scores will be verified. Fraudulent documents will be rejected and admission to the college will be denied.

Online Test Options:

Due to the global COVID-19 health concern, the following testing organizations are offering at home tests you can do online. Please visit their website below to learn more.

Examity Test

Examity is an English Placement test taken online prior to your admission to Edmonds College. This is a free test offered to you! We are partnering with our Testing and Assessment Services to offer virtual English and Math testing for accepted international students. Details to take the test are further below.

The types of tests available include English (the LOEPP test) and Math offered through an online testing site called Examity.

  • International students must have an accepted English proficiency score to be eligible for a math test. If you do not have an accepted score such as TOEFL orIELTSS, then you may take the English test first through Examity to try to get the accepted placement.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to prepare for the English and Math test prior to taking it, see test preparation resources available online.
  • Students are allowed one English test and one math test, plus one retest each, prior to enrolling in a class. First English and math tests are free. There is a $25 charge to retest.
  • After you get your test result and want to retest, please email to testingcenter@edmonds.edu to request your retest. 

Steps to Take Examity:

  • Submit an online application first. You will be given a ctcLink ID number which you will need to take the test. 
  • Go to the Virtual Testing page to read about the Examity System Requirements”
  • Once you are ready, send an email (see example below) to request a test. Students (not parents/agents) must email to testingcenter@edmonds.edu directly.
  • You will receive a test voucher and can schedule your test date immediately. The voucher will have an expiration date. If you can’t take the test before your voucher expires, please email testingcenter@edmonds.edu  to cancel your test voucher.  Once we issue the voucher, if you don't use or cancel it, there will be a $25 fee.  
  • Keep in mind that English test results may take up to 3 business days if you are required to write an essay.
  • When you are done with your test, please email to OIP_admissions@edmonds.edu 

Example email to Testing and Assessment Services

To: testingcenter@edmonds.edu 

Subject: Request for Examity [FULL NAME, ctcLink ID]

Hello Edmonds College Testing and Assessment Services,

I applied to Edmonds College and I want to take an English LOEPP) test viaExamity. My full name is _________________.  Edmonds College ctcLink ID #: _______________.  Date of birth (month / day / year): _____________.  My email address is: _______________. Please see the attached copy of my passport. Thank you! Sign Your Name.