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Who do I contact, and how do I file a Title IX incident report?

If you see something, say something!

If you have experienced, witnessed, or believe that sex-based misconduct has occurred, you may file a complaint under Title IX.  Examples of sex-based misconduct include sex discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking.  Every complaint is taken seriously, kept confidential, and investigated fairly and immediately according to Edmonds College's policies and procedures.

To Contact a Title IX Officer:

Katherine Smith
Title IX Coordinator/Investigator

kathy.smith@edmonds.edu  |  425.640.1814  |  Clearview Building, 122b

Wondering if sexual harassment has occurred?

If you can answer "yes" to any of the questions below you may have witnessed or experienced sexual harassment.  For your protection and future prevention say something immediately by contacting the Title IX Investigator or Title IX Coordinator.

  • Were there unwanted requests or unwelcomed behavior of a sexual nature?
  • Were there unwelcomed comments about an individual's body, sexual activity, or sexual attractiveness?
  • Did sexually suggestive touching, leering, gestures, sounds, comments, stalking, intimidation, or displays of sexually suggestive objects take place?

Filing an Incident Report

If you are interested in filing a report about any incident of concern, please complete the Incident Report Form. The Title IX Investigator and Coordinator will review the report immediately.