Academic Advising for Student Success
At Edmonds College, Academic Advising is all about helping you navigate your college experience. From the time you're admitted to Edmonds to the time you graduate, we are here to help you plan for and achieve your educational and career goals.
Connecting with Advising
Students that meet regularly with an academic advisor are more likely to stay on track toward their academic goals at Edmonds. Beyond just choosing the right courses, there are so many things we can help you with, including:
- New Student Advising and Orientation
- Discussing your career and educational pathway
- Choosing a degree or certificate program
- Course planning for the upcoming quarter
- Registration assistance
- Academic plans for future quarters
- Navigating academic challenges
- Progress checks (seeing how close you are to finishing a program)
- Transfer Fairs/Sessions and transfer questions
- Understanding forms and college policies
- Making enrollment changes/decisions
- General questions
If you have any questions beyond our office's scope, we will help refer you to another department or resource.
Advising Hours of Operation
Winter Quarter Hours
January 13 - March 28
Advising Resource Center Lobby (Lynnwood Hall):
Booking/checking in for advising, computer assistance, registration help (once you
have planned your classes), general questions, referrals, resource navigation
Mon.-Thurs. : 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Fri.: 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Online Drop-In Advising (Zoom):
General questions or meet with an advisor - first come, first served basis.
Mon., Wed., Fri: 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Tues. & Thurs.: 1-4:30 p.m.
Spring Registration Advising Sessions: In-person Drop-ins
Join us on the following Wednesdays for any advising assistance you may need to prepare
for the spring quarter. We will be utilizing these sessions to help new, current,
and returning students confirm their program of study, navigate English and math placement
options or review prior credit for placement, create spring quarter schedules, and
assist with registration. Drop-ins are open to join at any point during the listed
hours, and will include personalized assistance, held in a group computer lab setting.
Sessions in Alderwood Hall Room 102:
March 5 - 3-4:30 p.m.
March 19 - 1:30-4:30 p.m.
March 26 - 1:30-4:30 p.m.
April 2 - 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Appointments (In-person or virtual: See booking details for location and modality)
Schedule an appointment with your advisor by viewing our calendar booking page below.
Appointments are available to book up to seven days in advance. If you need to cancel
or reschedule your appointment, please modify your appointment inside your confirmation
email, or contact our office so that we may process this change for you.
Which Advising Service Should I Choose?
Important Reminders for Students
ctcLink ID: Please be sure to include your ctcLink ID number in all communications. We require this for identification; it will allow us to assist you much more quickly when it is included in your first message.
Email: The email listed in your ctcLink account is what we use for communicating with you and where we will send important information. Please make sure your preferred email is up-to-date in ctcLink.
International, ELA, and Pre-college Advising
There are some programs at Edmonds College that provide their own advising services. While we are happy to assist with general questions, please refer to the information below to learn more about advising for your program.
Office of International Programs (OIP)
Students on a non-immigrant visa (F-1) who have applied through Office of International Programs will participate in separate advising and orientation. Please visit edmonds.edu/international for more information or contact oip_desk@edmonds.edu
English Language Aquisition (ELA)
Students interested in improving English skills with ELA classes should work directly with the ELA program to get started. An ELA advisor will assist you with signing up for your classes.
Pre-College / High School Completion
Our pre-college programs, including HS+, GED, Adult High School, EdCAP, i-Best, and International High School programs provide their own advising services. Please contact the pre-college office or a specific advisor for more information on how to register for one of these programs.