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Volunteer Opportunities for InternationAl Students

theresiaTheresia Jennifer (Indonesia)

"Volunteering gave me tremendous learning opportunities outside of classroom not only did it allow me to connect and give back to our community, which is somethin that I always strive for, it also helped me develop my organization and leadership skills. Volunteering at different events for various causes has opened my eyes to see life from many different perspectives and has helped form me into who I am today. "

yukaYuka Danno (Japan)

"I believe that, as an international student, feeling part of a community is very important in college. Volunteering at Holly House, a cultural night at an elementary school, and cultural events on campus all had an impact on me and allowed me to connect with my school and community. I've learned teamwork and communication skills and gained a better understanding of cultural differences."


  • Volunteer Tracking Sheet
    • Volunteer organizations will not create certificates for your volunteer hours.
    • The best way to track your volunteer hours is through a Volunteer Tracking Sheet.
    • These make great supporting documents for resumes, personal statements, etc.

Volunteer Opportunities On Campus

Volunteer Opportunities Off Campus

Questions? Contact oip_desk@edmonds.edu | 425.640.1518