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Contact Addiction studies

Advising for Prospective Students

Contact Rhian Lindhjem at 425.640.1242 or rhian.lindhjem@edmonds.edu. For ongoing advising during the school term, you can also contact any of the faculty below (please keep in mind that faculty are not available during school breaks). 

Department Head

Christina Coiro
425.640.1981 | ccoiro@edmonds.edu | SNH 232

Employee Listing

Name Title Office Phone Email
Christina Coiro Faculty SNH 232 425.640.1981 ccoiro@edmonds.edu
Timothy Burdick Faculty SNH 232 425.640.1633 timothy.burdick@edmonds.edu
Roxanne Green Faculty SNH 254 425.640.1595 roxanne.green@edmonds.edu
Mika McAfee Faculty SNH 238 425.640.1452 mika.mcafee@edmonds.edu