Addiction Studies
Make a difference in your community.
Program Overview
The addiction studies program at Edmonds provides you with instruction from industry leaders and teaches you the necessary skills for working in the recovery field. Our instructors teach a holistic behavioral health care approach accredited by the National Addiction Studies Accreditation Commission. Our graduates not only satisfy the requirements for earning a Substance Use Disorder Professional (SUDP) certification with the Washington State Department of Health, employers in various disciplines highly seek them.
Our Students
We truly are comprised of a diverse student body, and we believe this is a strength of our program. We have young adults looking to start their careers, seasoned professionals looking for a new career, students in recovery, students who are not in recovery, students who want to help others struggling with a substance use disorder, and students who do not intend to work in a treatment center but understand that all social service fields are touched by addiction.
Equity & Inclusion
We believe that personal examination regarding equity and inclusion is a critical piece of professional development. Many of the patients our students will be serving in treatment centers come from historically marginalized populations, and an important part of training and preparation centers on this self-reflection and growth.
Career Opportunities
According the Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC), the addiction profession workforce is estimated at more than 100,000 individuals that include counselors, educators, and other addiction-focused health care professionals who specialize in addiction prevention, intervention, treatment, recovery support, and education.
Considering enrolling at Edmonds?
Your Edmonds College advisor will work with you to choose the right path for your future career, help you register for classes, answer questions about paying for college, and more.