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Training Programs

Job and Technical Skills Training

Career Training Programs
Professional-Technical certificate and degree programs to prepare for specific jobs or to improve existing skills

Advanced Manufacturing Skills Center
Continuing education and customized business training

Community Education
Career and business skills continuing education and community education

Washington Aerospace Training and Research Center
Aerospace and advanced manufacturing education, training and career resources

Employment and Career Development Resources

Career Action Center
Job search and career development assistance and resources for students and alumni

Career Coach
Job titles and wages associated with college career certificate and degree programs

Internship Program
A for-credit program that combines classroom learning with work experience

College Credit for Work, Life and Learning Experiences

Prior Learning Assessment
Assessment or portfolio review for college credit

High School-to-College Academic and Career Programs

College in the High School
Academic transfer classes offered in high schools for college credit

Running Start
Tuition-Free College Credits for High School Juniors and Seniors

CTE dual credit (Tech Prep)
Career and Technical Education classes offered in high school for college credit

Community Education

Creative Retirement Institute
Adult education and lifelong learning college-level courses

Community Education
Community, non-credit classes and lifelong learning opportunities for adults of all ages