All evening activities and classes are canceled. See details.

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Flexible Learning

Choose how you learn: in-person, real time;  online, real time; online, anytime.

Flexible learning courses allow you to choose how to participate — every day. That means that you’re in control of how and where you learn. You could come to class one day, attend online in real time another day, and complete work in Canvas on your own another day. All flexible learning courses offer at least two options for participation, and some offer all three. Check with your instructor for details.

How do I know if flexible learning is right for me?

You’re motivated to complete work on time and feel confident asking for help. You’re comfortable with technology and online learning. You have a reliable computer, microphone, webcam, and access to high-speed internet.

Special Considerations for Veterans & International Students

Veterans: The VA considers flexible learning a distance modality, which may impact your funding. Contact the Veterans Resource Center at to learn more. 

International Students on F-1 Visas: Flexible learning courses count as online courses for your visa requirements. Contact to learn more.

How to Find Flexible Learning Courses

When searching the class schedule by course or modality,  look for the Instruction Mode "Flexible". The class notes section provides additional information, and your instructor can answer any questions.

Considering enrolling at Edmonds?

Your Edmonds College advisor will work with you to choose the right path for your future career, help you register for classes, answer questions about paying for college, and more.