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Running Start Advising

All Running Start students should meet with an advisor. Read on to understand the different types of advising that are available to you. Our goal is to support you in making the most of your time in Running Start.

Your Advising Resources

As a Running Start student, you have several different advising resources. You will meet with your High School Counselor and either a Running Start Advisor or Academic Advisor every quarter. Regular communication and check-ins will help you stay on track, avoid common mistakes, and make progress toward your goals. Each of these advisors are there to help you succeed and will do whatever they can to support you; however, each one specializes in different areas.

You Should Meet with Running Start if you are:

  • In your first or second quarter
  • Experiencing challenges, or you’re on Academic Probation or Suspension-Reinstatement
  • Unclear about your funding or Running Start requirements

You Should Meet with an Academic Advisor if you are:

  • Working on a degree
  • Ready to graduate
  • Planning to transfer

You Should Meet with a High School Counselor if you are:

  • Completing the Enrollment Verification Form
  • Meeting requirements for your high school diploma

Contact an Advisor

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Schedule an Appointment with Running Start

Contact Academic Advising

High School Requirements

Not sure what classes to take? Check out which Edmonds College classes you can take to fulfill your high school requirements based on your district’s equivalency guides.

Equivalency Guides

Academic and Career Exploration

Edmonds College offers more than 10 areas of study that allow you to explore different fields and career paths. Identifying your area of study is the first step on your path to a degree, whether you plan to earn that degree at Edmonds or somewhere else.

Areas of Study

Take a quick assessment to understand how your interests align with the current workforce needs. You can learn more about how much certain jobs pay their employees. If you're still exploring your career options, try this free resource!

Career Coach

College and Career Success (CCS) Courses are a great choice for Running Start students to take during their first quarter. In your CCS course, you will explore different career options, learn tools to be successful in your other college classes, and create an academic plan. Additionally, this course is required as part of any degree at Edmonds College.

Explore College and Career Success Class Options

Classes you take through Running Start will likely apply towards an Edmonds College associate degree for transfer. These degrees are designed to meet general education requirements for a bachelor's degree.


One of the best degrees for students who plan to transfer and earn a bachelor's degree is the Associate of Arts – Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA).

Running Start Transcript

You may need to order a transcript for a variety of reasons. Unofficial transcripts are free and can be accessed directly from ctcLink. Official transcripts require a fee and should be ordered in advance of when you will need them.

Learn More About Ordering Transcripts

Continuing at Edmonds College

Planning on attending Edmonds College after you graduate from Running Start? You do not have to worry about reapplying. You simply fill out a form regarding your Washington state residency and then email the completed form to Enrollment Services at: residency@edmonds.edu. Additionally, if you have not done so already, be sure to connect with Academic Advising to go over any additional steps you may need to take as you transition from Running Start.

Residency Update Form

Applying for Graduation

As you make your way through your Running Start journey, it is important to track your progress towards the degree or certificate you would like to earn. A great way to do this is by meeting with an Academic Advisor and paying close attention to the academic calendar so you do not miss any deadlines. Lastly, make sure you understand the graduation process.

Check out the Academic Calendar

Explore the Graduation Process