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Equivalency Guides

The guides on this page were created to help you understand which college courses are equivalent to high school courses. You can use these guides to decide which courses you will take at the college to complete your high school requirements.

You will need to know your English placement level to use these guides. Visit our enrollment page for more information about determining English placement.

Please Note: Classes are subject to change without notice and it is your responsibility to:

  1. ensure selected courses meet high school graduation requirements (this must be determined by the high school counselor) and
  2. ensure that you meet course prerequisites.


To use these guides, choose your school district. In the guide, use the left-hand column to choose a high school graduation requirement. Then, identify the courses listed in the right-hand column that fulfill that requirement. Some courses may have prerequisites or may not be offered every quarter. View the class schedule to learn more about college course offerings.

Edmonds School District

Everett School District

Mukilteo School District

Shoreline School District

South Whidbey School District

Other School Districts