Review the Parent/Guardian agreement and familiarize yourself with the requirements
and guidelines of the program.
You can assist your student with the enrollment process, but note that the student’s
ID number will not be given to anyone else besides the student. You do not need to
be present when the student submits paperwork. It is important that your student learns
to monitor their email and manage their participation in the Running Start program.
We prefer to receive all paperwork from the student directly.
Edmonds College complies with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA). Without the student's written permission, information will not be released to a parent
or guardian (including tuition and fees). Information will be disclosed to a parent orguardian ONLY if we receive a FERPA release
submitted by the student or if the parent/guardian establishes the student’s dependency
as defined by the IRS. Instructors will not be available to speak with parents or
guardians about a student’s progress.
If you are concerned about your student, we recommend you talk with the high school
counselor about any questions or concerns regarding academic progress.