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Grammar Corner

Ask questions about grammar to experts and receive personalized grammar instruction for free

Winter 2025 Hours

Meets in Learning Support Center (MUK 113)

Grammar Corner Schedule

  • Monday 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday 11:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m. 
  • Wednesday 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
  • Thursdays 11:30-1:30 p.m.

Grammar Corner is free for you to use and focuses on helping you get questions answered about English grammar. If you want to learn more about how English grammar works and to learn editing strategies for spotting and correcting grammar errors, this is the right service for you. We’re proud to be offering this support service in partnership with the AENGL department.

What You Need To Know About Grammar Corner

  1. You are allowed to have 2 Grammar Corner sessions (live, written response, or a mix of both) per week!
  2. The Grammar Corner instructor will work with you on only 1 paragraph of your writing per session, not a full paper or multi-paragraph assignment.
  3. The kinds of grammar questions and concepts Grammar Corner will help with include learning more about: subject/verb agreement, tenses, word forms, verb forms, how and when to use different prepositions and articles, comma usage and punctuation, sentence structures, and any other grammatical concepts you'd like to learn more about!
  4. If you want help with a whole paper or with something more than strictly grammar, like whether you're meeting your assignment requirements, organization, thesis, quoting from sources, etc. then you will want to use eTutoring

Frequently Asked Questions

Read below to see the answers to some questions about how Grammar Corner works online