Free, one-on-one drop-in tutoring in a variety of subjects
We like to think of the Learning Support Center as one large tutoring center made up of two, smaller centers: the Tutorial Center (for most content tutoring like math, the sciences, etc.) and the Writing Center (for help with all writing assignments).
The Tutorial Center offers free tutoring in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Whether you use our online or in-person services, that is always true!
In order to receive tutoring help, you must be currently enrolled at Edmonds College, in the classes you are asking for help with.
If you have questions about our tutoring offerings, please get in touch with us! You can chat with us or leave us a message using the blue pop-up in the bottom right corner of your screen, submit a question email us at tutoring@edmonds.edu or call us at 425.640.1750.
Winter 2025
In-Person Tutoring
Location: Mukilteo Hall 113
Hours: Mon.-Thurs.: 9 a.m.-4 p.m, Sat 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
For online tutoring visit eTutoring. eTutoring is available through your Canvas courses.
Look for a link on the left sidebar of your Canvas classes "eTutoring".
About Drop-In Tutoring
No appointments are necessary—all students are seen on a drop-in basis, so you can stop in any time you need assistance with what you’re studying. Every hour that we’re open we have tutoring available for most levels of math, and we also offer regular support in a wide variety of other subjects, including: chemistry, biology, accounting, BSTEC, computer science, CIS, allied health, physics, economics, philosophy (logic), psychology, music, and more. Come in to the Center to find the specific, quarterly tutoring schedules for the subjects you’re taking.
The tutors who will provide you with academic assistance are mostly students themselves, all of whom have successfully taken the courses they tutor and do an excellent job of working one-on-one with fellow students.
In order to receive tutoring in our Center, you must be currently enrolled in the subject you are seeking tutoring in.
For more information about tutoring schedules or how the Center works, call 425.640.1750, e-mail tutoring@edmonds.edu, or drop by the Learning Support Center at Mukilteo Hall, room 113 during our open hours.